Sunday, July 31, 2016

Edith, The Singing Mouse

1937, This is my Uncle John Dickerson, who was working as a fieldhand for George Morris outside of Delmar.  I have never heard him talk about Edith.  Shortly after this he joined the Army and spent the next 25 years in it.

The article is from a facebook page of Linda Duyer called a new History of Salisbury 

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Some Delmar Ads

Harry Lindley and Secord - Dixie Comedy Co
New York Clipper Oct 26 1913

Phila Inquirer Jan 16 1901

Philadelphia Inquirer Sept 18 1908

Roseland Diner - Howard P. Campbell
August 29 1951  Philadelphia Inquirer

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Josiah Hulett and his 30 day Enlistment

Recently in the on-line “Carroll County Times” I came across an article on Colonel (CSA) Harry Gilmor cavalry attack and occupancy of Westminster, Maryland in July of 1864.  He only stayed a day and left to continue his attacks on trains, telegraphs lines, and spreading a general disturbance in the area. The link to the article is here;

Mentioned in the article is Private Josiah Garrett Hulett of the Second Delaware Cavalry (Milligan’s Independent Cavalry) who in August of 1864 was sent to guard Westminster. 

Although the article has nothing to do with Delmar, it and the information below does give you a little bit about what it was like in the civil war for a person with a 30 day enlistment.  Since Josiah Hulett was born in Delaware, let me tell you a bit about him.  Born in 1839 near Yorklyn, Delaware, on the Delaware/Pennsylvania Border to William and Martha Hulett, his father would die in 1850 leaving his widow and children to move in with her brothers.  Josiah Hulett would be educated in Pennsylvania and would teach in a one room school house. 

Like many young men in the American Civil war time period, he had a burst of patriotism and in July of 1864 at the age of 25 he enlisted in the Second Delaware Cavalry for a 30 day enlistment.  To be in the Cavalry at that time you had to supply your own horse, if you lost your horse or it was killed and you could not replace it you were transferred to the infantry for the rest of your enlistment .  In Josiah Hulett case his horse was named “Phil”.  It is not known if Phil was named after Union General Phillip Sheridan, who at this time was leading the Army of the Potomac in the Shenandoah Valley.   

Many Delaware units, like the 2nd Delaware cavalry, saw no combat but instead did guard duty in a wide range of places from Wilmington to Westiminster.  With an enlistment of 30 days one can imagine the amount of military training these units received.    Josiah Hulett would leave the military once his 30 days enlistment was complete.  He would be paid $10.50 for his services.

In 1870 he would marry Margaret Bailey Stotsenburg, take up the life of a farmer, and they would have six children.  The children would ride Phil to school.  About 1887 the Huletts would move to Wilmington where Josiah worked as a bookkeeper and later as a salesman.  He would die in 1919.

The  Mill Creek Hundred History Blog  has a number of interesting articles on Josiah Hulett and his family. 

Josiah's great-granddaughter, Jeanne Jackson Dell’Acqua has a letter Josiah Hulett wrote while he was at Westminster and she has allowed me to reprint it here.  It gives insight into his 30 day enlistment.

Westminster (Md.), August 9, 1864

Dear Aunt: (Anna Lareine Peeky Stotsenburg)

As it has been your request that I should write to you if I had time, I will now comply. I had thought of writing before this time but have been very busy mostly. I hardly know how to commence. After we left Wilmington we laid in camp near baltimore about two weeks. On last saturday week about three o’clock we were ordered to pack up everything and be ready to move at a moments notice, where we were to go no one knew. We had thirty rounds of cartridges served out to us (that looked as is we might see something to shoot before long)
About 7 o’clock we had orders to march, we marched till twelve o’clock that night, when we halted for the night, next morning we started again and about eleven o’clock we reached Westminster which place we are at now. Westminster is a nice little town situated on the Western Maryland rail road about thirty miles from Bal. The Union people about here are very kind and liberal. They are the best people we have met with since we left home. They were very glad to see us because they have been plagued by the rebs several times since the rebellion began. About a year ago the rebel army passed through this place on the way to Gettysburg, here the first Del. Cal. had a fight with
them, but the rebs outnumbered them so much that they had to give way. Gen Meade’s army passed through here about 9 hours after the rebel army. There is now one company of the 1st. Del. Cal. here with us. When we first came here we did not expect to remain here so long and quiet as we have. When we were marching up here we met people running toward Baltimore with their horses, saying the rebs were a little way above here. It was thought we might have some sharp work to do but we have not seen any rebs yet. We have captures several fellows supposed to be rebel spies. We picket several roads around here every day and night. each set of pickets stays out twenty four hours. I have always been out on the Gettysburg pike yet. Maryland has been invaded
since we came here but I believe the rebs have left it just now for the present (I guess they are afraid till the 2nd Del. Cal. go home.) Our time will be out next Monday evening. I do not know whether we will get home then or whether we will have to stay longer. We are all hoping we may get off then. It is said that Gen. Wallace has sent a request out here that we might enlist for seventy days more. Whether this is true or not I do not know but I do know that there are not five men in the company that will re-enlist so if we stay we will be compelled to stay involuntarily. I have no fears of this. When we first came here we had to keep our horses saddled all night so as to be ready to mount at any time
(5) 6.
Last Monday night a week ago there was an alarm given and all men that were not out on picket were drawn up in a line of battle in the town. I expect some of the boys were scared. For my part I was out on picket and did not know anything of the disturbance till next day. I have not felt frightened yet. I thought though when we left Del. we might see a big afraid. When we left camp near Baltimore we left ten or fifteen thousand troops in the same woods we came out of. I expect they have moved away before this. The 7th. Del. were amongst the number, We are all well at present except
George Ely. He is quite sick. He is not in camp with us but he is at a private house where the family is very kind and he receives the best of attention. I have been very well since I left home with the exception of three or four days. I am generally in the best of spirits sometimes I think I would like right well to be at home especially when I do not get any letters. I have not heard from the Bailey’s for twoo weeks I do not know why exactly. I would like you to write but if we come home when our time is out I would not be able to get your letter before we leave. When the order comes to March home, we will hail the day with cheerful lay.
Remember me to all my friends. I will have to close as it is now time to water and feed Phil. ( Phil: horse that belonged to J G Hulett) If we should remain here, which you will be apt to know, please write.

Direct J. G. Hulett
Comp. A. 2nd Del. Cal.
Carroll County

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Purina's Delmar Mill

Purina's Delmar Mill in the 1970s

On June 4, 1952 as part of the grand opening at the Ralston Purina Mill at Delmar, Eddy Arnold and his gang were part of the entertainment. Over 8,000 were there for the grand opening and to watch and listen to Eddy Arnold. The show was recorded and later broadcasted for his half hour show. At this time Eddy Arnold was close to the peak of his career so he was a really big star to come to Delmar.

The mill in 2015, today it is owned by Amick.  Grain bags are in front of the mill

From 1951 B-State Weekly


For the past several days pickets from the local carpenters and laborers union have formed a picket line across the entrance to the construction site where the Ralston-Purina Company has begun construction operations

Men of both unions are wearing placards proclaiming the job unfair to their respective locals.

According to a picket man from each trade union the construction company is hiring non-union carpenters and laborers.

The carpenters union is No. 2012 A. F. of L. with headquaters in Seaford, Del. The carpenters union scale is $2.30 per hour, they said.

A picket for the laborers union is from local 847 with headquarters at Georgetown, Del. Their present scale he said is $1.10 per hour , but it is expected to be raised to $1.35 within a short time.

Red Star Bus Lines Christmas Party (Salisbury Maryland)

about December 1942 Red Star Bus Line Employees
Avery W. Hall, Carl Bennett, William H. Walsh, James W. Hopkins, Frank Taylor, Clyde Smith, James W. Wilson, George Roger, Harold Bennett and Edgar T. Bennett.

The Delmar Pure Oil Station

I recently was reading an article in "Secrets of The Eastern Shore" about the English cottage type Gas station in Cape Charles Virginia.
NOTE: The photo at top is by Jill Jasuta Photography

It happens that Delmar has a similar gas station.  It is on North Bi-State Blvd (next to the 3rd Wave Brewery).  Owned by Johnson and today is three apartments. It has been modified from it's original look.

This type of building is a design used by the Pure Oil Company and  was used from the 1920s thru the 1940s.  A more original photo of this type of gasoline station (not Delmar) is shown below;
Many of these cottage gas stations were pre-fabricated, being a steel unit that was assembled and then a stucco or brick exterior was applied.  I do not know if the Delmar one was a pre-fabricated unit.  The cost was between $7,500 to $10,000 (1929 prices, today prices would be  $103,000 to $138,000) for one.  Until about 1925 most gas stations were clap board box type building that were ugly.  In order to improve the image of gas stations and allow their placement in more residential areas the Pure Oil English Cottage gas station design entered the picture (along with the similar designed Phillip 66 Gas stations).  They usually incorporated end chimneys, Bay windows, home-like entry doors,  steep gabled roofs done in blue tile, and generally were  home looking.

In 1953 Hank Williams Sr pulled into a Pure Gas station in Oak Hill West Virginia of this design and died. Photo of it is above.  It has since been bulldozed.

Some points about the gas station design is given in a survey of a similar design in Greenville S.C.

The owners of the Pure Oil Company were well aware of the growing disdain to the image of the gas station.  Therefore, they planned to revitalize their structures.  President Henry M. Dawes sought after a new building style that could easily and distinctively be associated with the gasoline brand of the Pure Oil Company. Dawes hired supposedly self-taught architect Carl Petersen, whose ideas were rejected previously by the Gulf Oil Company.  Petersen worked at home to avoid distractions and unwanted ideas and strove to design a unique style to unify the Pure Oil Company brand.  Petersen came up with an easily built, inexpensive English Cottage style design that would redefine the gas station on the suburban landscape.  On the drawing board was a building with steeply pitched roofs, a side gable, rounded entranceways, prominently located chimneys, and decorative lattice and shutters that gave the building a “home-like” appearance.  Petersen thought the English Cottage would be accepted by residents of America's suburban neighborhoods.  Petersen was right.  The public grew to enjoy the way the Cottage style looked and eventually came to see the style as a symbol for Pure Oil’s quality products.  Whether the buildings sat on a busy roadside or in a quiet sub-urban neighborhood, the home-like structures fit in very well.  Dawes gave Petersen a $750 bonus check straight out of his own pocket because he liked the drawings so much.  A variety of models were then drafted and built all around the country.  The design proved economical to build and could be constructed from numerous materials.  The house structure then became an accepted architectural form for gasoline stations and adopted by many corporations.  It quickly became the most popular form of architecture for gasoline stations and became an architectural asset in residential neighborhoods.  John Jakle and Keith Sculle write in their book, The Gas Station in America, "

Michael Carl Witzel in his book, The American Gas Station, gives a beautiful description of the important role Carl Petersen took on to reform gas stations to a more pleasing, domestic design.  He writes, “From the vantage point of the motorist wheeling past, the pleasant trappings of a roadside house conjured up welcome feelings of friendliness and offered the atmosphere that was greatly missed by the traveler when venturing forth on the open road.  The mere sight of a white-shuttered window spilled forth memories of Mom and those delicious home-baked pies cooling in the sill.  A house meant quiet evenings by the fireside with one’s favorite dog or the whole family huddled around the radio listening on the exploits of Fibber McGee and Molly which was a safe, warm and happy place for many and a common association that would be exploited to maximize potential by hundreds of roadside motels and gasoline stations constructed in its image.”  (Witzel, p. 48) Such

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Boardwalk Elvis

2011 Daily times article

OCEAN CITY -- Norman Webb loves to sing, and he says he'll never stop. He used to ride his bicycle from his home in Showell to Ocean City often, where he would stroll up and down the Boardwalk with a radio perched on his shoulder, belting out tunes by his favorite artist, Elvis Presley.
Hence the nickname "Boardwalk Elvis." It's what people began calling him, and that's how he's known to those who live near the resort or visit often. Webb fostered his reputation by serenading Boardwalk patrons for more than 30 years, he said.
People still see him riding up and down Route 589 on his bicycle, which is adorned with a license plate on the front that says, of course, "Elvis."
Webb turned 72 on July 4, so the commute to the resort isn't one he can easily make on his bike anymore, but it doesn't stop him from occasionally getting out in public and singing a few songs. These days, he simply stays a little closer to home and can be found occasionally at Whiskers Bar & Grill in Ocean Pines.
"I like to go there and sing karaoke," Webb said last week while he worked at The Gazebo, a fresh produce outlet on Racetrack Road where he has been putting in part-time hours for the past six years. When he's not there or traveling on his bike, he spends time at his home doing some gardening on a half-acre plot of land.
Last week, he made an appearance at Whiskers, where he sang Elvis' "All Shook Up," and "Under the Boardwalk" by The Drifters as a sort of homage to the venue where he's had his largest audiences.
Webb still goes into town every year during Springfest and Sunfest with his friend Laura Anderson, The Gazebo's manager.
Around the holiday season, he switches acts. He dresses up in a Santa suit and rides his bicycle around in an effort to spread some cheer.
"He is just really such a great person," Anderson said.
Webb's memory isn't what it used to be, but he still looks back fondly on the time he spent on the Boardwalk, and people in the area certainly still remember and adore him.
One look at the Facebook page "Boardwalk Elvis is Alive," which has more than 660 members, shows the mythical identity Webb has built for himself throughout the years. People post photographs of Boardwalk Elvis sightings, like he's the local Waldo or Carmen San Diego. Even his trips to McDonald's in Ocean Pines attract fanfare.
One man even recently posed the idea of "some kind of recognition" for Webb; he suggested a statue be erected somewhere in his honor.
Webb is well-versed on Elvis, and even once made a trip with his father to Tennessee so they could visit Graceland Mansion. He can't settle on a favorite song by "The King," though.
"I don't know, I love 'em all," he said, and he continues to spread that love to anyone who will listen.
410-213-9442, ext. 14
Age: 72
Hometown: Showell, Md.
Hobbies: Singing, bicycling and gardening
ID_Code: A7201110108020305

Mary Audrey Calhoun

Mary Audrey Calhoun 1919 to 2010

Mary A. McClaine, 91, of Berlin, and formerly of Delmar, went home to be with her Lord and Savior on Friday, Dec. 31, 2010, at Berlin Nursing and Rehabilitation Center.
She was born April 27, 1919, in Delmar, a daughter of the late Clarence James Calhoun and Lillie Mae Adams Calhoun.
Following graduation from Delmar Maryland High School, Mary trained in Salisbury and worked for many years as a beautician, first in Cape Charles, then in Delmar.
She was a longtime, faithful member of First Baptist Church of Delmar. In addition, she was a member of the Order of the Eastern Star, New Century Club and the Delmar Fire Department Auxiliary. As a cancer survivor, she felt committed to volunteer for the American Cancer Society and later was president of the organization in Wicomico County.
She is survived by a son, James E. McClaine of Seattle; a daughter, Audrey M. McClaine of Laurel; two granddaughters, Sarah McClaine Willgress of Seattle and Margaret McClaine Block of Hailey, Idaho, two great-grandsons and two great-granddaughters.
In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, John Edward McClaine III, who passed on Nov. 9, 1991; a son, Richard Lloyd McClaine; and a sister, Mildred Calhoun Cooper.
A memorial service will be held Friday, Jan. 14, at 11 a.m. at First Baptist Church of Delmar, where family and friends may call from 10-11 a.m. Interment will follow in St. Stephen's Cemetery in Delmar.
Memorial contributions may be made in her memory to First Baptist Church of Delmar, PO Box 200, Delmar, Del. 19940.
Online condolences may be sent to the family by visiting . Arrangements are in the care of Short Funeral Home in Delmar.

Friday, July 22, 2016

Some Delmar Grads From The Woman's College At UD 1943

 Above Betty Leigh Ellis

Above Mary Jean Sturgis
Above Betty Francis Hearne

Dress and History

From Your Wardrobe Unlock'd   on facebook

Anyone interested in history and/or genealogy will eventually have to develop an interest in clothing styles.  How else can you estimate a date on an old photograph?  There are other things that a piece of clothing may tell you.  Take this dress shown on "Your Wardrobe Unlock'd", if it was part of  a black and white picture about the best you could do, would be to say it was from a period between 1860 to 1920.  It happens to be an Aesthetic style dress as it is cut loose and in a style of a renaissance dress with large sleeves. 

However this photo is in color (and perhaps if this was came from someone's attic you would be able to see the colors better)  The colors are green, white and violet. which as the facebook page on "Your wardrobe unlock'd" will tell you are suffragettes colors.  The person wearing this dress would be wearing a secret code that other code breakers could tell she was part of the "Give Women the Vote" movement.

Sunday, July 17, 2016

DHAS Own Shirley Martin in 1959

Taken from facebook page of A New look at Salisbury

The Fall Of Richmond

From The Union Newspaper Georgetown Delaware April 1865

Saturday, July 16, 2016

The Scarlet Letter

Hester Prynne may have had to wear a scarlet "A" in Massachusetts in the 1600's but in Delaware the wearing of a scarlet letter was in use thru the first half of the 1800's.  Altho in my limited research  I have found no reference to a scarlet "A" in that time period the letters "T" for thief and "F' for forger were used extensively. 

from 1829  and below in 1839

  and in 1849

It's A Matter Of Wording

It is known that in the early 1800's Delaware had both black slaves and Free Blacks.  At times both types would be taken against their will and be removed to different state and sold as a slave.  The Patty Cannon - Joe Johnson gang was famous for this and locally (Delmar area) James R. Hearn and James Vincent also did it in the 1820s and 1830s.   

When these people were charged with the crime, if they took a Free Black person they were charged with kidnapping, if they took a slave they were charged with stealing.    If you were free you were a person, if you were a slave you were property belonging to someone and as such you were stolen.

Friday, July 15, 2016

Joseph Hearn Murder 1841

From The Sun July 9 1841 (Baltimore Sun)

SHOCKING MURDER - The Delaware Republican states that on the 30th ult., a man named Wm. Hearn, 76 years of age, murdered his son Joseph Hearn, aged about 30, in Sussex county, in that State.  It appears that there had been some misunderstanding between the father and son, when it is said, the son threatened to murder his father and mother, and burn the house.  The father it seems was apprehensive that these threats would be executed; and after his son had retired to bed, deliberately took an axe, went to the bed room of his son, and committed the heart-rending and unnatural deed, by striking the unfortunate deceased five blows on the head.  The perpetrator has been committed to jail, at Georgetown, to await his trail, which will take place in October next.



President: Chris Walter

V.P. Patsy Bridge

Treasurer: Ginger Trader

Secretary: Karin Walter

Join The DHAS Today!

Delmar Historical and Arts Society

PO Box 344

Delmar, Delaware 19940

Name ________________________




Annual dues are payable in January of each year and cover the period from January 1 to December 31.

Individual Membership - $24.00

Institutional membership - $48.00

Life Membership - $200.00

Student and Senior (62& over) $12.00

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

The Great Cypress Swamp Islands

above Steve Island (off Timmonstown Road) in the marsh of the Pocomoke in 1943

We are all familiar with the small islands that are in the bays on Delmarva.  One type of island that we are less familiar with are the "islands"  in great cypress swamp along the southern edge of Sussex County and the northern part of Worcester County.  Today they are less noticeable due to the Civilian Conservation Corps creating mosquito ditches for drains and the cutting of the great ditch in 1949 which has lower the water level in the swamp so what were islands are now just higher places on the land.  Prior to the 1940s the island stood out as land that was surround by mud and marsh. Some high land places in the swamp extent out into the swamp and are given the title of neck

above showing Lewis Neck in Sussex County, which is east of Big Newfound Neck and Little Newfound Neck.

One Sussex County land deed of 1931 was between Landreth Lee Layton and Cypress Farms, Inc mentions a number of islands in the deed for land in the cypress swamp.  Most are close to a country road leading between Gumboro and Dagsboro or on the road between Newfound and Hickory Hill.  Some of them are; Wildcat Island (579 acres), Ten foot island (169 acres), and Lightwood island (399 acres).
The outline circles (islands) on this map indicates higher ground usually 40 ft above sea level so perhaps the ten foot ditch that cuts thru the outline of higher ground (39 ft above sea level)  about center of the above map is ten foot island mentioned in the deed.

So if you have a historical, geological or a genealogical reference to an island or a neck remember to look inland.


Monday, July 11, 2016

Tar Kilns

Altho the making of pine tar and turpentine (Naval Stores) is associated with the southern states there was tar making operations in Sussex county.  This local industry never achieved the level of commercial industry of the southern states.  I can only guess that it served the local economy before it was economically better to buy a superior product from store keepers. 

Tar was very important to ships as it preserved the wood the ship was made of.  Ropes on the ships were also covered in tar to slow down the rotting process.  Tar was also used for medical purposes on people and beast. Tar was used on roofing shingles and fence post.

Frequently pine with a high resin content is found in the dead stumps left over from logging operations.  Perhaps trees were cut for charcoal making for the local bog iron furnaces and the dead stumps left over time would become high in sap.  Men would cut out the heartwood in the stumps and dig the roots which would also be high in sap. 

We can only guess at what a local Pine Tar kiln might look like based on the ones in the south.  They seem to fit two versions.  One being a plate of iron with a grove on it on which pine fatwood chips or roots would be placed.  The plate of iron would then be covered by an upside down pot and the entire  assembly would be covered in logs and limbs to be burnt.  Since the fire never touches the pine under the pot the heat would make the pine sap in the pine flow and it would flow into the grove in the plate of iron and out to a waiting container where it became tar.

A second method was to dig a large pit with sloping side that in the center had a buried barrel and sometime a pipe or trough that flowed out to waiting barrels.  Sometime the pit was brick lined.  The pit was filled with pine high in resin,  which would come from stumps and roots of previously cut pine trees.  The entire pit and wood was covered in dirt with a single ventilation hole and the pine was set on fire.  the resin would flow down the sloped side of the pit into the barrel.  This operation is very similar to making charcoal. 

One source list the output as;
The average yield for one cord (4,000 lb.) of "light wood" might be:
Wood turpentine8 to 15 gal.
Total oils; including tar65 to 100 gal
Tar40 to 60 gal.
Charcoal25 to 35 bushels or 403 to 564 lbs.

I know of no known tar kiln that still exists in the area.  In the Delaware land records is a deed in which Hugh Elliott sells land to Seth Lingo in 1808 in Little Creek Hundreds Sussex county.  Included in the metes and bounds of slashed pine trees and dead pine trees, is mention that one marker - a slashed pine tree was along side of an old tar kiln.  So if in 1808 the tar kiln was considered "old" perhaps it shows when the making of tar ceased to be a business in Sussex County.  The use of tar kilns must have died out by 1800 as usually, in other types of kilns, a road or some geographic location will be referred to by the type of kiln that was in the area, thusly brick kiln road, lime kiln road etc are still around.  I know of no reference to a tar kiln road locally.

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Jimmy Dartis, The Miser of Gallatin Valley

In 1899 Sheriff Fransham brought the frozen body of Jimmy Dartis into town from Dartis' ranch fifteen miles outside of Bozeman, Montana.  Jimmy Dartis (James E. Daughters) was born about 1828 a mile or two south of Delmar.  At the time of his death he was described In the Montana newspaper as;
Above Anaconda Standard 1899
Well anytime someone dies (with money)  in a faraway place there is always a lawyer about who will find a relative or two.   In this case Jay Williams of Salisbury Maryland made the trip personally to Montana to file papers for his clients; William E. Daughters, Ellen Young, Katherine Maddox, Alonzo B. Collins and Samuel J. Collins.  Eventually after another 5 years the estate was settled in their favor.   The paper work for the estate was extensive with a number of people giving dispositions for the heirs including Elijah Freeny, William L. Sirman and E. E. Jackson. 
Jimmy Dartis was James Daughters.  As stated in the dispositions the family was illiterate and accepted the phonetic spelling of their names so Darters and Dartis were frequent variations of the name Daughters.  In the dispositions it was stated Jimmy was the son of Samuel Daughters.  Samuel lived outside of Delmar in Somerset County (Later Wicomico County).  He had as children; Issaiah, James, Gillis, Nancy, Betsy and Sallie.  Samuel Daughters was born May 20 1771, a son of Hudson Daughters.  Samuel died June 22, 1858.  Samuel was married twice first to Lottie Lingo whom was the mother of the children.  Second, he married Harriet Vickers, who out lived him.

Jimmy was generally described as a tramp, more in love with money then his appearance, he would hang on to every cent he could get and beg clothing and food  from people instead of buying them.  He had spells of leaving the farm and traveling, he had been to Europe, he worked on oyster boats, he supposedly joined the Confederate army and after a spell decided to switch to the Union army.  He was successful in being rich but it did not seem to be of any use to him other than having it.

One of the stories given in the dispositions by Elijah Morris was “once before making a trip west he buried his money by the side of a cross fence and while he was gone his father moved the fence, cleaned up the fence row and when Jimmy came back his mark was gone and he could not find his money  and I do not know whether he ever did find his money.”
So is the money still buried on the old Samuel Daughters farm?