Duck Ross and James S. Banks 1989

above 1989 Daily Times
Jimmy Banks ran the Amoco gas station in Delmar for 33 years and was in the fire department for 49 years.

Saturday, June 29, 2019

Victory Gardens 1942

Dogs Ravage Victory Gardens In Delmar

Delmar, July 11 - A roundup of stray dogs has temporarily stopped the ravaging of victory gardens on Grove and Jewel streets where residents complained their vegetables had been rolled flat and their slumber interrupted. Dogs picked up either were destroyed or turned over to the game warden.

Above from the Salisbury Times 11 July 1942

Friday, June 28, 2019

New Grave Yard Consecrated.1913

New Grave Yard Consecrated.

DELMAR. Del., May 6 - The Rt Rev. Frederick J. Kinsman of the diocese of Delaware, assisted by the Rev. Alfred E. Race, rector of All Saints' Protestant Episcopal church, Delmar, has consecrated the grave yard called "Oak Hill," between Delmar and Whltesville. The cemetery Is surrounded by the farm lands of the late C A. Figgs, aad consists of one- half acre of land excepted In the will of the late William T. Hearn.

Above from The Morning news 07 May 1913

Thursday, June 27, 2019

William W. Dickerson 1944

Delmar Airman's Group Cited For CBI Service

For outstanding achievement in the China - Burma - India Theatre. The veteran 64th Troop Carrier Group to which Cpl. William W. Dickerson of Delmar is assigned, has been cited by the 12th Air Force. Cpl. Dickerson is now entitled to wear the Distinguished Unit Badge. He is the son of Mrs. Rose E. Dickerson and attended the Delaware High School before entering the service.

Last April his troop carrier group stationed in the Mediterranean area was suddenly ordered to fly to the support of Allied forces battling the Japanese in the Imphal Valley, India and the Myitkyna area in Burma. Seven days later the big twin-engined C-47 transport planes of his group were delivering the needed supplies where they would do the most good.

The unit continued to support the Allied armies for two and a half months and played a tremendous part in driving the Japanese from Northern Burma and the Imphal Valley. The group, affectionally called "Cerney's Circus" after its commanding officer, Col. John Cerny of Harrison, Idaho, is now back in the Mediterranean area, starting its 27th month overseas.

Above from the Salisbury Times 19 Dec 1944

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

The Antimacassar

There was a time when traveling had a little class about it and one of those small details of class was the passenger seat you had on a train, plane or ship had a headrest cover or antimacassar on it.  They were there to protect the upholstery but I always thought they were there to protect your head from acquiring whatever creatures the previous occupant had in their hair, assuming they were changed often.

Above is a detail of a Pennsylvania Railroad antimacassar

The antimacassar came about due to the popularity of macassar oil, a hair oil that has been used since the late 1700s.  The cover or antimacassar was used to prevent the chair from ruin by the oil staining it.  It was named macassar oil because it supposedly had ingredients obtained from Makassar in the Dutch East Indies.    The oil became popular when Alexander Rowland, a barber in London made his own hair oil preparation and around 1792 begin selling it as Rowland’s Macassar oil.  He had the trademark registered to him, as “Macassar oil.”  It was used by men and women, and It is still sold today. 

A Little July 10th 1930 Delmar News

John F. Hunt, former motive power foreman of Delmar but who is now located at Cape Charles, has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. James S Bell.

Practically all available rooms in private homes are being used by the extra force called by the Pennsylvania Railroad Company. All men available and all who have been furloughed have been called to help
move the potato crop. About 6000 cars have been moved so far, and it is anticipated that approximately 9000 more will be moved.

Delmar firemen are planning to attend the Delaware State firemen's parade to be held tomorrow at Georgetown. They will be accompanied by the Southern Division Band, with Glen T. Hastings directing.

The daily vegetable shipping report shows 644 carloads of potatoes shipped from the Eastern Shore of Virginia yesterday, and 35 cars from the Eastern Shore of Maryland. Total shipments from Virginia are 8366 cars and from Maryland 927 cars. The price averaged $2.50 to $2.60.

From the Eastern Shore of Maryland 42 cars of cucumbers were shipped yesterday and from the Eastern Shore of Delaware 6 cars. Total shipments of cucumbers have reached 139 cars, and from Delaware 9 cars. The price averaged $1 to $1.10.

Above from the Wilmington Morning News 10 July 1930

Talbot Larmore 1942

City Police Sergeant Talbot Larmore has resigned after eight and a half years with the Salisbury Police Department. He will be a passenger brake-man on the Delmarva Division of the Pennsylvania Railroad.

Above from 10 Nov 1942 Salisbury Times

Talbot Larmore, Former Policeman, Found Dead

Talbot L. (Tobey) Larmore, 51, former city police Lieutenant, was found dead last night in his car parked in a woods near Walston Switch.

Maryland State Police said a vacuum cleaner hose led from the exhaust pipe through the right rear ventilator. They reported the car switch was on and the gas tank empty. The body was on the front seat.

Notes scribbled in large letters on blank pages from an electrical appliance brochure indicated despondency, police said. He had been employed as a salesman by Erwin Electric Co. for about three weeks. There was an affectionate note to his wife, Lillian.

One of the notes said two brand new wrist watches were in the glove compartment for their two children, Sheldon, about 19, a student at the Salisbury State Teachers College, and Faye, 13, an eighth grader in Wicomico Junior High School.

Dr. Earl L. Royer said death was caused by carbon monoxide poisoning. He estimated Mr. Larmore had been dead about 10 hours. The Larmores lived at 612 Light St. He was said to have been in good spirits when he took his wife to work at Montgomery Ward yesterday morning.

 The body was found about 5:30 p.m. about 500 yards west of Walston Switch off the road in a woods. It was near the spot where Albert Hall, Negro, about 30, took his life in the same manner March 6.

George Gearhart of Baltimore, an employe of the Maryland Penetentary, who is building a home in the area, discovered the parked automobile and reported it to State Police.

 Mr. Larmore joined the City Police force about 1934. He resigned in 1944 and worked for the Pennsylvania Railroad during World War II. He returned to the force in 1947 and was later promoted to lieutenant. He resigned Feb. 4. 1951.

The son of the late William W. and Anna T. Parks Larmore of Salisbury, Mr. Larmore was born in White Haven, later moving to Salisbury with his family. His father was a Salisbury clothing and furniture merchant and served two terms as sheriff of Wicomico County.

Besides his wife and children, he is survived by three sisters, Mrs. Walter Nelson and Mrs. Albin A. Hayman of Salisbury, and Mrs. George Whitehair of Philadelphia.

A funeral service will be conducted Sunday at 2 p.m. in the Wallace Funeral Home on Ocean City Rd. by the Rev. J. Robert Mackey, pastor of Asbury Meth odist Church. Burial will be in Wicomico Memorial Park. Friends may call at the funeral home Saturday between 7 and 8 p.m.

Above from the Salisbury Times 28 April 1955

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

William Hearn 1893

William Hearn of Delmar was stricken with apoplexy on the roof of the new M. P. Church of that town on Monday last. He was prevented from falling from the roof by two carpenters who were working with him. After being attended by a physician he was swung from the roof in a hammock and taken to his home. He was still unconscious on Saturday and will probably die.

Above from the Wilmington Morning news September 11th 1893

1914 Safe Crackers


Their Tools of Crime and Explosives Found in Shanty by Chance


DELMAR. Del., Aug. 27 - The plans of five cracksmen were frustrated by accident a few days ago but the fact was kept secret by the authorities until today, when Postal Inspector Hummer paid an official visit here. For several weeks five strange men have been working at the focal ice plant and, while they were considered rough characters no one suspected they were crooks. When they were off duty they spent most of their time in an old shanty just outside of the city limits, owned by the Delmar Tomato Canning Company, and it was in this building that their tools and other equipment for safe-cracking were found.

The building was being cleaned preparatory to the arrival of a force that was to work at the cannery when a bottle containing liquid was found. Not knowing what it was one of the laborers cleaning the building threw the bottle out the door, where it came in contact with a large oak tree. Immediately there was a terrific explosion and the tree was blown to pieces.

An investigation showed that the explosive was nitro-glycerine. The authorities were notified and they found In the building a quantity of dynamite and a kit of burglar tools. Meanwhile the five men disappeared.

Above from the Wilmington Evening Journal August 27th 1914

Monday, June 24, 2019

Dora West Drowned 1927


Dora West Sinks After Friends Tries to Save Her at Sandy Hill


SALISBURY. Md., July 5  - A gay holiday party at Sandy Hill, a bathing resort eighteen miles from here, came to a tragic end yesterday when an eighteen-year-old girl drowned as two companions struggled desperately to save her.

The dead girl is Dora West, of Delmar road, Salisbury

With Hazel Ellis, nineteen, of Salisbury; Herman West, twenty-four, her cousin, of Delmar, Del., and Samuel Beacham, twenty-three, also of Delmar, Dora was wading in shallow water about fifty yards from shore.

Venturing farther out than the others, the girl stepped from a ledge into deep water. Attracted by her screams, West and Beacham swam toward the spot where she disappeared. West was the first to reach the girl and succeeded in taking hold of her when she came to the surface.

In her fright Dora clung desperately to him, and he was forced to relinquish his hold.   Beacham also succeeded in grasping the girl's clothing, but she broke away from him and sank.

Other members of the party, who watched the struggle from the shore, launched a canoe and went to the rescue, Beachman and West, after diving several time without success in an effort to locate the girl, were taken ashore.

The body was recovered about three-quarters of an hour later by State police from Salisbury. Attempts at resuscitation were futile.

Above from the Wilmington Evening Journal 05 July 1927

Dora Anabelle West was the daughter of Joseph Harlan West and Mary Amy Nichols West.  She had a sister Nina West who would marry Paul M Harrington.

Sunday, June 23, 2019

Pearl Nichols and Harper Lecates 1916


Special Correspondence of Every Evening Delmar, May l5

Miss Pearl Nichols, the young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Nichols, and Harper Lecates left here, Saturday evening, in an automobile for Laurel, where they were married by Rev. C. S. Cullom, after which they boarded the Norfolk and New York express for a wedding trip. The young lady left a note to her mother, saying she was going to the moving pictures. The groom is a son of John C. Lecates of this town.

above from the News Journal 16 May 1916

Saturday, June 22, 2019

Friday, June 21, 2019

August Party in Delmar 1900


Pleasant Affairs Enjoyed by Young People There

Special to the Evening Journal, Delmar, Aug 27: A delightful social was given at the  home of Misses Polly and Lizzie Culver, on Thursday evening.   Among those present were: Misses Alice and Susie Hastings, Misses Clara and Stella Culver, Misses Maude and Ethel Hayman, Miss Laura Hastings, Miss Maude Melson, Miss Blanche Marvel, Miss Mabelle Hayman, of Delmar;  Miss Blanche Laverty, of Philadelphia; Miss Eurma Hastings, of Marlon, Md. Rodman of Norfolk, Howard Revelle of Baltimore, J. H. Loux of Laurel, Del.,  L. Allie Melson, George Ewell, Vernon Hastings, Herbert Sipple, William and Alvln Culver, Arthur German, Samuel Culver, Harry German, Claude Phillips, John Elliott, J. G. Jones, Fred Reese, Arthur Ellis.  Music furnished by George Ewell and Alice Hastings and social games were the principal feature of the evening.

Miss Gertrude Hearn gave at her country home a "barnyard party" on Friday evening, which proved a very successful affair. The party was given in honor of her guest, Miss Alma Bowdwin, of Philadelphia.   All outdoor games were indulged in until a late hour, when all were invited in to partake of the refreshments which were so bountifully spread. Those present were: Miss Blanche Laverty, of Philadelphia,  Miss Eurma Hastings, of Marion, Md., Miss Amy Ellis, of Sharptown, Md., Misses Clara and Stella Culver, Misses Polly and Lizzie Culver, Misses Maude and Ethel Hayman, Miss Alice Hastings, Miss Maude Melson, and Miss Ethel Hastings. Messrs. John Elliott, Rozier Francis, Harry German, William Marvel,  Arthur German, William and Alvln Culver, Allie Melson. Herbert Sipple,  Charles Sturgis, Harry Culver, Vernon Hastings, Hollie Melson, Ollie Hastings. Claude Phillips, Samuel Culver, Fred Reese, of Delmar, J. G. Jones, of Philadelphia, Howard Revelle, of Baltimore, Rue Hastings, of Marion, Md.

Above from The Evening Journal 28 August 1900

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

George Carroll Curdy (1920-1945)

George Carroll Curdy (1920-1945)  was the son of Elihu  (Bud) Ackford Curdy  and Annabelle Kraus (1892-1954).  George lived in Delmar and graduated high school here in 1940.   Bud Curdy was a railroad man and his sons followed him by working for the railroad.

George worked at a gas station and for a repro service. When George turned 21 his brother took him to Baltimore to find a job with the Railroad.  They went to see Eddie Flounders station master in Baltimore and with whom their father had worked when Eddie was a brakeman on the railroad in 1917.  The Railroad at that time did not hire anyone under 21.  George hired into the Freight side of the railroad but after a few weeks moved over to the Passenger side.  George was made a conductor on the railroad and  was the youngest conductor on the line. He married in June 1941 to Marian Ruth Wright (1919-1989) She was the daughter of Fred M. and Ruth T. Wright of Delmar.   George was 25 when he was drafted into the army in 1944.  If he had missed the draft for a few more months he would have been ineligible for draft as they were not drafting 26 year olds.  

He  served 9 months in the Army before being wounded at Greimerath, Germany with General Patton’s 3rd army, 80th inf division 317 inf Regt Co E.  He would die of the wounds in a hospital in France in 1945.  He was buried in the Duchy of Luxembourg in an American cemetery. If he had survived another six weeks the war in Europe would have been over with.   In 1947 his body was re-interred in the First Methodist cemetery in Delmar Delaware.  

above Morning report of March 15th 1945 for 317th Inf regt Co "E"

above morning report of 17 March 1945 317th Inf Regt Co E recording George Curdy death

above General Order awarding Geo Curdy the Purple Heart, notice most are for March 15th and that the morning report for the 15th said "causing some casualties." 

He had one son George Michael Curdy (1943-1997) .  His wife would remarry in 1947 to G. Murrell Dashiell.  Michael's name was changed to  Michael Frederick Dashiell.  Marian Wright Curdy Dashiell would be very active in the PTA over a number of years. Murrell Dashiell would join the railroad and also was very active in a number of organizations in Delmar. Michael Dashiell would graduate Delmar High School and attend Pennsylvania Military College in Chester (now Widener University)  he would end up in Texas, marry, have two daughters, divorce and return East to live in Pennsylvania.  He died in1997. 

George Curdy name is on the monument at the 30th street station in Phila for Pennsylvania railroad people killed in WW2.

A quick look at the 1916 Blue Book

A quick look at the 1916 Blue Book

Below driving directions from Laurel to Salisbury

Sunday, June 16, 2019

The William Winder Hearn family

In front are William Winder (Wynder) Hearn (1836-1925) and his second wife Sallie Hastings (1848-1921).  His first wife was Eliza "Lizer"  Jane Jenkins (1837-1894) who is the mother of the children.

Standing starting on the left are Rosa "Rosie" Lee Hearn (1861- 1936 ) she would marry Elijah Holland Holloway 
Emory Ruford Hearn ( 1866-1943)   He would marry Mary "Mollie' Lane Beauchamp
Benjamin Thomas "Tommy" Hearn (1868- 1921)    He would  marry Alberta Mills
Ida  Ellen Hearn (1870- 1966) She would marry Quincy E Hastings 
Missing children are Martha Jane Hearn (1861- ) and George W Hearn (1862- )

Fathers Day At Faith Baptist 1959

Faith Baptist Church Plans Father's Day 

DELMAR The Rev. John B Groves pastor of Faith Baptist Church Delmar will have as his topic "The Blood of Christ" at; 11 am. service tomorrow.

A special Father's Day program will be held at 6 p.m. with the Youth Group participating.  At the 7:30 evangelistic hour a Christian film entitled "Split-Level Family' will be shown. 

Closing exercises of Vacation Bible School will be held Friday at 8 p.m.

Above from the Salisbury Times 20 Jun 1959, Sat 

Elijah John Melson Brakeman

above 31 Aug 1931 Wilmington Evening Journal

Elijah John Melson was born in 1856 and died in 1931.  He was the son of Thomas Asbury Melson.  He married Amelia Anne Elliott in 1877.  They lived on East Street.  He would retire from the railroad as a Brakeman in February 1922 with 31 years and 5 months of service.  Elijah and Amelia would have for children; Maud Elizabeth (1879-1941), Holly Thomas (Hollis) (1881- ), Katie May (1885-1965), Etha S. (1887-1935) and Sallie E. (1894-1925).

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Delmar Train Photo 1938

This photo was shared on facebook by Joe Walder and it is from  the Baltimore Chapter of the NRHS of the Baltimore, Chesapeake & Atlantic Railway 1000 at Delmar, DE by in April 1938, by George F. Nixon.

Monday, June 10, 2019

D Day Plus 4

above Lt. Doris Brittingham - Lt. Edna Browning - Lt. Marthe Cameron of the 128th Evacuation Hospital board the USS Pendleton after D-Day in Bristol, England for the beachheads in France. Photo from book "And if I Perish"

Seventy-five years ago today Lt Doris Brittingham, a nurse with the US Army 128th Evacuation Hospital, jumped from her landing craft into the water off Utah Beach, Normandy France and waded ashore.  This would be her third beach head with previous landing in North Africa and Sicily.  She would carry with her a 26 pound backpack and 15 pounds of medical supplies.   Today’s popular movies of the D Day Landing show beaches following the first day to be cleaned up and just a lot of traffic of troops landing supplies.  In truth on D day plus 4, dead bodies still floated in the surf at Utah beach, German artillery shells still hit the water around the landing boats, and German mines still floated in the water.

The 128th would consist of 22 medical officers, 1 Chaplain, 60 Nurses and 250 enlisted personnel
From the internet history of the 128th  at Normandy
The first night was spent in pup tents, with friendly planes overhead and enemy artillery fire going on night and day. As a result of difficulties in discharging cargo, no significant amount of medical supplies came ashore before 12 June. Supplies however soon increased both in volume and regularity and depots were set up in open fields short distances inland, such as Le Grand Chemin, behind Utah Beach. The 261st Medical Battalion, 1st Engineer Special Brigade, almost exclusively handled the seashore movement of casualties out of Normandy. Acting as a kind of holding unit after Field and Evacuation Hospitals opened, the Battalion funnelled patients to the 2d Naval Beach Battalion, which put them on LSTs and British Hospital Carriers for evacuation to England. While Field Hospitals proved more than equal to their task, the 400-bed Evacuation Hospitals found themselves consistently overburdened; the arrival of additional Evacuation Hospitals helped contain the flow of patients, but in many cases a chronic surgical backlog persisted. During its first two weeks in Normandy, all but 360 out of 3,200 patients treated at the 128th Evac required surgery. Surgical staff worked in 12-hour shifts, although reinforced by extra Auxiliary Surgical Teams, and together they could perform about 100 major operations every 24-hours. The trouble was that the patient influx during heavy combat occurred at about double that rate, so that less urgent cases had to wait for surgery! First Army deployed extra Surgical Teams and mobile truck-mounted Surgical and X-Ray units (mounted on modified 2 ½-Ton Cargo Trucks) of the 3d Auxiliary Surgical Group, and detached provisional medical teams from ComZ Hospitals to help overcome the backlog!
By 2 July hospital personnel began to care for German PWs after the German surrender of Cherbourg, where all organized resistance had ceased on 1 July. The German front was broken and on 19 July St-Lô was captured which would later become the starting point for General Patton’s thrust towards Avranches. After a week of rest and refitting, First Army launched a new Offensive, “Operation Cobra” in an effort to break the front. Following intense aerial bombing (with some bombing errors killing friendly troops), American Forces heavily attacked on 25 July and forced the enemy to withdraw. The members of the 128th found themselves packing and moving to La Forêt for three days. The constant move caused by Allied progress on the battlefront often resulted in change of plans and hasty improvisation, and this is where training proved its worth.

Lt Brittingham is mentioned in a few newspaper articles and books.  She would be high on the pecking order of photographers and newspapermen when reporting; being Female, White and an officer.  Enlisted man Frank A. Simion was also with the 128th .  He was on the opposite end of the pecking order of newspaper reporting.  Born in Kansas with Italian immigrants for parents and working in Michigan before the war as an automaker assembler he would endure the same beachheads as the nurses and other members of the 128th.   Frank Simion however would marry Lt Brittingham. 

Lt Brittingham was a 1938 graduate of Delmar High School and the daughter of Milos Smiley Brittingham and Hannah Dodd Hearn Brittingham.  After graduation she had moved to Wilmington where she became a nurse in 1941 at the Delaware hospital and in February 1941 join the Army Nurse Corp.  Her sister and brother were Irma and Reese Brittingham and both would remain in the Delmar area.  Reese would become the owner of Bryan and Brittingham Hardware store.  Irma would marry  Edmund Pollack Messick.

Frank and Doris would live briefly in Delmar while their daughter Esther Jo was born at PGH in Salisbury.  They would move to Michigan where Frank would go back to working in the automobile industry.

 above photo from book "and If I perish"

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Clarke P Banks 1955

Rocky Banks From the Bi State weekly January 7 1955

Help The Caboose

Delmar's 1929 caboose is deteriorating and need some help.  Please donate to our restoration fund.

Should you be interested in donating, our address is;

Delmar Historical and Arts Society, PO Box 551, Delmar, DE 19940

and should you be interested in joining our society to help accomplish some projects like this, dues are only twelve dollars a year (Jan-Dec).  Again use the above address for membership also

Irving Gillis and Marion Lee Hitchens Join the CCC 1934

Irving Gillis and Marion Lee Hitchens have joined the CCC Camp at Lewes  

 Milford Chronicle Friday October 5, 1934 DELMAR News

The above is perhaps the only newspaper article that mentions Delmar boys joining the Civilian Conservation Corps.  This was perhaps due to one of the requirements for joining the CCC, which was your family had to be eligible for relief (welfare).  Even poverty has a certain pride and you didn’t need to broadcast it to the world. Irving C Gillis was the son of Josiah and Clara Hitchens Gillis.  Marion Lee Hitchens was the son of Marion Columbus Hitchens and Carrie Lee Elliott Hitchens. Irving and Marion were 1934 graduates of Delmar High school. 

On April 5 1933 the Civilian Conservation Corps was created by executive order 6101. It allowed a number of people who were unemployed and probably would not be employed to hold a job. It allowed all unmarried, unemployed male citizens between the ages of 17 and 28 to be eligible to apply for work as junior enrollees, with the stipulation that a substantial portion ( $25) of each man's basic $30 monthly allowance would be sent home to his dependent family.  They joined for four months at a time with a maximum of four enlistments.  The idea was they would be trained to find a civilian job once they left the CCC.

In addition to their cash stipend for the five-day workweek, the young men received three full meals a day, lodging, clothes, footwear, inoculations and other medical and dental care, and, at their option, vocational, academic, or recreational instruction.  Receiving three full meals a day combined with the hard physical work would mean the average recruit gained 15 pounds in the first three months. 

Delaware was the last state to get a CCC camp.  It was due to the purchase of 1000 acres for the Redden State Forest that cleared the way for a CCC Camp.
above Wyoming Delaware CCC camp digging ditch, from the Delaware Archives.  

In Sussex County, Delaware there were camps at Lewes, Slaughter Beach, Redden, and Georgetown. In Eastern Sussex county most of the work was aimed at mosquito control. In Western Sussex County they worked in the forest, clearing trails building fire towers etc. They also did a lot of work with the mill dams in the area. Trap Pond was washed out and the CCC rebuilt it.  On the Eastern Shore of Maryland again the camps worked on mosquito control and forestry, mostly along the Pocomoke River.  There were camps at Pocomoke, Public Landing, Snow Hill, Powellville and Berlin.  The camps usually held about 200 men.

above the Lewes CCC Camp photo from the Delaware archives 

above George Sinex at Georgetown Camp in March 1939

above working at CCC Georgetown 1939

above Georgetown CCC Camp February 1939 Photo labeled Truck Drivers; Bub, Tony, George Sinex, Pete Corllal, Pete Owens, Colson, Pete Byam, Bill.
above George Sinex 1939 CCC Camp Georgetown 

Frequently those that joined the CCC were assigned camps in their state or close by however there was considerable transferring within the district.   The usual problem occurred in Delmar, since it was in two states.  Delmar, Delaware was assigned to the Second District (New Jersey, Delaware and New York) and Delmar, Maryland was in the third district (Pennsylvania, Maryland, DC, and Virginia). 

The Delaware camps were segregated with the Negro camp being in Bombay Hook and the Maryland camp in Chestertown.

above photo of the Negro CCC Camp from the Delaware Archives

Even more than the WW2 veterans, the number of men that were in the CCC are becoming fewer and fewer.