2,000 in Delmar Join
Halloween Fun
DELMAR, Del., Nov. 2
(Special). More than 2,000 people took part in Delmar's second Halloween
celebration Monday night. There were many onlookers but most were in costume or
accompanying little people in costume. The affair was sponsored by the Chamber
of Commerce which served refreshments to more than 1,000.
Harry Ward was
master of ceremonies and Mrs. Kenneth Langraf, Marion B. Sherwood, and Ray
Wilkinson, Sr., were parade judges. Prizes were awarded to Dickie and Tommie
Jones for the most unique costumes; Mrs. Mildred Cordrey and Albert Phillips as
best couple; to Carolyn Orelle as prettiest little girl; to Jimmy Smith as best
dressed little boy; to Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Glunt as oldest couple in masquerade,
and to Dickie Moore, Jr., the youngest; to Mrs. Fannie Allen as best dressed
woman; to Virginia Cooper as best dressed girl; to Mrs. Madelyn Mears and H. S.
Crowley as best comics, and to George Walker as best impersonator.
Long after the
awards were made, the crowd remained for a street dance. Railroad Avenue was
roped off from State Street to Grove Street.
Above from the
Wilmington News Journal 02 Nov 1949