Local Graphic Design artist and Stained Glass Artist Randie Hovatter of Delmar Maryland talked to Delmar Historical and Arts Society about her work in glass;
Could you tell us a little bit about yourself - your education, interests, past work experiences?
I graduated with my BFA in Graphic Design from Salisbury University this past December. Currently I am employed as a graphic designer at K&L Microwave, but I still enjoy selling stained glass on the side. I also work at Macky's Bayside Bar and Grille in Ocean City during the summer, so come visit unless you are a sub-par tipper.
When did you first realize art was your calling?
I have always loved art. In an area like the Eastern Shore it can be difficult to turn art into a 9 to 5 profession, but I ended up being lucky. I only have to beg on the street three days a week now.
How was it that you started working with stained glass?
I have been working with stained glass since I was about 15 years old. My mom asked me if I wanted to take lessons at Glass by Grammy in Salisbury, and after seeing the projects there I was immediately interested.
How long have you been working in stained glass?
About 7 years.
What advice would you give to someone else wanting to learn?
Stained glass can be very challenging depending on the project. You will know pretty much instantly whether or not you are going to enjoy it as a hobby. But once you finish your first successful piece it is a proud moment.
Do you have a mentor, if so how important has this been to the development of your professional practice?
My mentor is Carolyn Adkins of the aforementioned Glass by Grammy. She can make anything out of glass. I was her first student, and she continues teaching glass from her studio on Snow Hill Road in Salisbury. She has been very important to me, both by being full of good advice and by always being willing to help me when I struggle with a tough project.
Are you self-taught or did you take professional courses in stained glass production?
I learned all of my stained glass skills at Glass by Grammy, but sometimes I like to try new types of projects on my own.
How do you find clients and receive commissions?
I have a website, www.coroflot.com/randiehovatter , and I get a lot of clients simply through word-of-mouth. On my business cards it says Graphic Design and Stained Glass.
Is there an ‘ultimate’ commission you would like to undertake?
A glass Sistine Chapel... I'm just kidding, that would take forever.
If someone wants to give you a commission how can they contact you?
The best way to reach me is through my email, rh14809@gulls.salisbury.edu.

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