From The Peninsular Press - Delmar 1921
If asked by a young man where he could obtain a choice box of candy for his sweetheart, or if a stranger should drift into town and make inquiry for a soothing drink of soda water, plate of ice cream or a good smoke, the first thing that would come to your mind would be the PLACE OF SWEETS. Isn't that an admitted fact? Most assuredly for be it remembered that at this popular rendezvous, for young and old, the sweet tooth can be satisfied, the thirst quenched in "dry" Delaware with -- Soda of the best mixture. Then the soothing sensation derived from a good smoke is always at your command. What more could be asked?
On August 8, Mr. G. L. Hastings, the genial proprietor of this exceedingly popular establishment, assumed control, with his son, Mr. M. L. Hastings, as manager. To know these men or to meet them is a pleasure. They have the happy faculty of meeting the people on the level, give them courteous treatment and sent them away satisfied.
The establishment has two departments - tables for the ladies and tables for the gentlemen - married and single. The first thing possibly that attracts your attention upon entering is the large fountain where the genial manager is able to have served up to you all of the latest "soft" drinks. They are refreshing and invigorating, made by the latest New York recipes. The display of boxed candies cannot help but attract the attention of the young, middle aged and elderly ladies - all have a sweet tooth somewhere in their heads. Who does not like to inject the incisors into some of Whitman's choice boxed candies? It usually follows with the men that after taking their usual drink that they like to indulge in a good smoke - made from choice Cuba stock or from the famous Piedmont district of the Old Dominion State. All said and done, the place presents a clean, sanitary and attractive appearance which goes far in attracting and thus making any establishment a drawing card. This has been the success of the Sweets - good goods, satisfied customers, sanitary, square dealing.
Mr. G. L. Hastings, the owner, is a large dealer, in lumber and piling, a public spirited citizen and exceedingly progressive. Mr. M. L. Hastings, manager of the Place of Sweets, was one of the Delaware's noble sons who crossed the waters to France and did gallant service that "the world might be safe for democracy". He served under the colors for nearly a year on French soil. He is popular with all classes, is progressive and like his father stands at all times to do any thing that will be the future development of Delmar and community.
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