From the Progress Edition of the Peninsula News Delmar Delaware 1921
Woodlawn Dairy
John W. Culver, Prop.
The residents of Delmar are indeed fortunate in having an up-to-date dairy where pure milk can be obtained with sanitary surroundings. The Woodlawn Dairy, established 9 years ago and owned by Mr. John W. Culver, has a herd of twelve fine specimen of milch cows whose product is rich, free from unsanitary surrounding as many places are. The product of this dairy is known to all in this community and the demand is greater than the supply.
Mr. Culver, who takes great pride in his dairy and has built an enviable reputation for himself, is one of the most substantial citizens in this section of the State. He is virtually interested in farming, trucking, raising corn and berries and small fruits on his 25 acre tract which is a pleasing sight to behold and at all times every thing thereabouts is like unto a new pin.
Mr. Culver is practically a young man and still has a great future before him. His methods have been the cause of much favorable comment and commendation by the people of this section, and his moves are being watched with interest for they never know when he is going to spring something new on the community which will prove to be an advanced step.
Mr. Culver is a good substantial citizen and has always taken a keen interest in Delmar and vicinity, believing that a great future lies before it. He stands ready at all times to do anything within his power to advance its interests in order that it may have a place on the map such as it deserves.
With men possessed of activity and progress like Mr. Culver who are willing to do whatever they are called upon to do, this section is sure to take advanced strides.
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