Saturday, June 19, 2010

The Old Delmar Moose Hall

From the October 2, 1930 Wicomico News

The old Masonic Hall, erected in 1901, was purchased by the Loyal Order of Moose, when the new Masonic Temple was built on State Street and the old building has been greatly improved. The balcony in the first floor which was originally an opera house of the old regime, has been removed and an additional floor has been laid, giving the building three large rooms and making it a three story structure. The first floor will be used for social purposes, the second has been leased by the Pennsylvania Railroad Company to be used by it's employees in sports and social activities, while the third floor is the lodge room of the Moose.

The building has been newly wired and the exterior will be shingled, with the exception of the front which will be of brick. the cost of these improvements is estimated at $4,000.

The Moose Hall stood on what is now the parking lot for Town Hall. In 1978 the Delmar Fire Department did a control burning of Moose Hall. Below are some photographs of the burning I took at the time.

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