Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Today Is Pearl Harbor Day

Today Is Pearl Harbor Day

Remembering the attack on Pearl Harbor, I will repeat a post I made back in 2008 about George Penuel.

In February of 1942 the Milford Chronicle reported;

George Ames Penuel, Jr was the first Delaware man to give up his life for his country in World War II. He was on the destroyer U. S. S. Shaw at Pearl Harbor. In February of 1942 his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George A. Penuel of Millsboro, received a letter from the Navy Department reading;

“After an exhaustive search it has been found impossible to locate your son, George Ames Penuel Jr, boatswain’s mate second class, U. S. N. and he has been officially declared to have lost his life in the service of his country as of December 7, 1941.”

Born in Georgetown October 29, 1920 he went to school in Millsboro. He had been on the U. S. S. Shaw for nearly three years.

He was survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Penuel of Millsboro, four sisters; Miss Amelia Penuel of Millsboro, Mrs. George Zieglar of Seaford, Mrs. George W. Gillespie of Milford, and Mrs. Dudley Perkins of Philadelphia; two brothers Coard Penuel of Frankford and Granville Penuel of Wilmington.

The U. S. S. Shaw was a destroyer built at the United States Navy Yard in Philadelphia Pennsylvania and launched October 28, 1935. The U. S. S. Shaw was in drydock at the Pearl Harbor Navy Yard on December 7, 1941. On the second Japanese strike wave she was hit by three bombs that detonated her forward ammunition magazine blowing off her bow. She was later repaired and saw service thru out WWII. The USS Shaw was decommissioned October 2, 1945 and scrapped in July of 1946.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Matthew Williams

Matthew Williams

December 4, 1931 - A mob lynched African American, Matthew Williams, on the courthouse lawn in Salisbury, Maryland.
From Delmarva Almanac

Saturday, December 3, 2011

The North Star

The North Star

December 3, 1847 - Eastern Shore native Frederick Douglass begins publishing the anti-slavery newspaper The North Star.
From Delmarva Almanac

Thursday, December 1, 2011

1908 Delmar Fire

1908 Delmar Fire

From the Wicomico News May 7th, 1908 - Delmar News

Our citizens were thoroughly alarmed Wednesday afternoon by the ringing of the Church Bells and blowing of engine whistles. Upon investigation it was found that fire had broken out in the barn of W. S. Parker and had rapidly spread to the adjoining barn of Rev. E. P. Perry. Soon a large crowd of men, women, and children were upon the scene and began fighting to prevent the fire spreading to the residences adjoining. Bucket brigades were formed, men clambered upon the house tops, and buckets upon buckets of water were poured upon the smoking roofs of the M. P. Parsonage, the home of W. D. Nelson, those nearest the fire, and several others. Luckily the wind was blowing very little and by the superhuman efforts of the men the fire was confined to the outbuildings.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The British Are Coming The British Are Coming

The British Are Coming The British Are Coming

November 30, 1782 - Volunteers from Onancock attacked British ships off Hog Island, Virginia in order to stop the plundering of American ships and the local fishing fleet

Sunday, November 27, 2011

V H Duke's Sinclair Station - Delmar 1937

V H Duke's Sinclair Station - Delmar 1937

Monday, November 21, 2011

Travels In Egypt and Nubia

Travels In Egypt and Nubia

Today November 21st in 1818 Giovanni Battista Belzoni visited Edfu and "took a minute survey of these truly magnificent ruins." This was his third journey in Egypt, one purpose of this journey was to remove the obelisk from the island of Philoe.

Giovanni Battista Belzoni (15 November 1778 – 3 December 1823), was a great Italian adventurer. An extremely tall and strong man for his time he had a varied career until 1815 when he arrived in Egypt. Over the next couple of years he made three journeys around Egypt exploring and excavating tombs and temples. Since it was a time when foreigners could remove antiquities he send many to the British museum where they are still on display. Today of course Dr Zahi Hawass would be right along with him doing television interviews, photo ops, and making sure nothing was removed from Egypt. He married Sarah Bane an Englishwoman whom accompanied him on many of his journeys. Strangely a city in Mississippi is named for him. The town was originally known as “Greasy Row” because of the row of saloons along the bank of the Yazoo River, so I guess it was a step up for a name change to Belzoni.

I have recently been reading Belzoni's book "Travels in Egypt and Nubia." At times it is boring but also at times very exciting. He gives many details of how he climbed into tombs and made trips down the Nile and across the desert, very Indiana Jones like, only without the Nazis. I was impressed by the size of the monuments, tombs etc as he gives many measurements which in other readings I either did not pay attention too or were not given. It does renew your interest Egyptian antiquities. I found a number of points in the book to be interesting from a sidenote. First even he could not figure out how many of the tombs were built (aliens?) and second in the book he explains to an Egyptian leader why Europe was buying so much grain from Egypt in 1816. Which was of course due to the eruption of the volcano Mount Tambora creating the global climate anomalies that included the phenomenon known as "volcanic winter": 1816 became known as the "Year Without a Summer" because of the effect on North American and European weather. Below is how he described entering a tomb;

I descended, examined the place, pointed out to them where they might dig, and in an hour there was room enough for me to enter through a passage that the earth had left under the ceiling of the first corridor, which is thirty-six feet two inches long and eight feet eight inches wide, and when cleared of the ruins, six feet nine inches high. I perceived immediately by the painting on the ceiling, and by the hieroglyphics in basso relievo, which were to be seen where the earth did not reach that this was the entrance into a large and magnificent tomb. At the end of this corridor I came to a staircase twenty-three feet long, and of the same breadth as the corridor. The door at the bottom is twelve feet high. From the foot of the staircase I entered anther corridor, thirty-seven feet three inches long, and of the same width and height as the other, each side sculptured with hieroglyphics in basso relievo and painted. The ceiling also is finely painted, and in pretty good preservation. The more I saw, the more I was eager to see, such being the nature of man, but I was checked in my anxiety at this time, for at the end of this passage I reached a large pit, which intercepted my progress. This pit is thirty feet deep, and fourteen feet by twelve feet three inches wide. The upper part of the pit is adorned with figures, from the wall of the passage up to the ceiling. The passages from the entrance all the way to this pit have an inclination downward of an angle of eighteen degrees....

Friday, November 18, 2011

DHAS Annual Meeting - 2011

The Delmar Historical and Arts Society (DHAS) held it's annual meeting last night at the Delmar library. An update of various society matters and a review of the successes we had in 2011 was presented to the membership and guests. An election of officers and for the board of directors was held by the members. Our guest speaker Mr. Jay Hill gave a talk about the history of Bacon Switch and it was well received.

Mr. Hill had a number of artifacts from the general stores that existed in Bacon Switch and from his Grandfather's surveying business. Bacon Switch at one time rivaled Delmar in size and importance.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

DHAS Annual Meeting

The Delmar Historical and Art Society will have their annual meeting on Thursday at 7:00PM, November 17th, 2011 at the Delmar Library. Nominations for four board positions will be voted on at this meeting. A review of projects completed in 2011 and a discussion of future projects will be presented. The meeting’s entertainment will be Mr. Jay Hill, local historian and collector .The meeting is open to members and non-members alike. Light refreshments will be provided.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Lady Be Good

The Lady Be Good

Way back in an ancient time when I was in high school an interesting news story was reported that gripped the U.S. and the world in 1960. The story started back in World War II when an American B-24D Liberator, named The Lady Be Good went on it’s first, last and only combat flight. The bombing run was to Naples Italy on April 4th, 1943, out of the Benina air strip in the city of Soluch in Libya. On the return flight the plane disappeared. It was assumed down at sea and lost. Today, November 9th, 1958 it was discovered 440 miles inland in the Libyan Desert by a British oil exploration team flying over the North African Desert.

It would not be until May 1959 that a recovery team made the first trip to the wreckage site. They found the plane had broken into two pieces and the desert had preserved it remarkably well – but there were no crewmen. In 1960 recovery teams found the first five bodies of the crew members and the news hit the world. Eventually the remains of all but one crewmember would be found.

This story has been written about on numerous websites so I will not attempt to rewrite it again. A site I found interesting is located Here

Simply put it was a mystery story of the time that kept everyone’s attention.
The Life Magazine, March 7, 1960 edition
gave great photo journalism coverage to the incident.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Harold Cane - 1932

Harold Cane - 1932

From the Laurel State Register Oct 7, 1932


Delmar Man and Wife Are Overcome When Pipe Is Broken Off


A man and his wife were asphyxiated at Delmar Friday night by gas fumes after the husband, Harold Cane, is said to have broken a gas pipe while repairing a minor leak.

The bodies were found at about midnight under the Cane home by a group of neighbors who had started a searching party when one of them was attracted to the place by the crying of the Canes' child, Marie, aged 11.

Cane it is believed, had gone under the house to repair a minor leak, and while making the repairs had broken the pipe off a few inches above the ground causing an increased gas flow. His wife, in trying to rescue him is believed to have died shortly after going under the house as a result of the fumes.

The crying of the child, together with a strong odor of gas, had Glen Hastings, a neighbor, to investigate. Hastings, who had started to retire for the night, dressed and went to the Cane home. Making his way through the gas filled home he reached the child's bedroom and took her to the Hastings home. He was nearly overcome in rescuing the child.

In the meantime other neighbors had gathered and a search was made through the house for the child's parents. Several members of the rescue party were overcome during the search.

The Citizens Gas Company, Salisbury, was notified to shut off the flow of gas as no wrench could be found in the local office. After the flow had been stopped the search was resumed and the bodies were discovered under the house. Both were lying face down.

The child was said to have been sleeping at the time of the tragedy. She is believed to have been awakened by the strong odor of gas, and, being unable to find her parents, started to cry.

Cane operated a service station at the corner of Delaware Ave. and State Highway in Delmar.

The girl said it was shortly before midnight when the odor of escaping gas was noticed. Her father took an electric flashlight and climbed through a trap door to crawl to the leak four yards away.

When he failed to return, Mrs. Cane went through the door to investigate. She also failed to return.

Receiving no response to her calls, Marie summoned neighbors. At the same time, first aid crews from the Salisbury, Md. Fire Department were called and three physicians brought to the home.

William Culver, Jr. an employee of the gas company, was overcome when he turned off the gas to permit the rescue of the couple and was not resuscitated for more than an hour. L. D. Short, who with the others cut a hole in the floor to gain access to the bodies, also was temporarily overcome.

Cane was 42 years old.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

The Delmar Historical and Arts Society Historical Essay Contest

The Delmar Historical and Arts Society Historical Essay Contest seeks to inspire Delmar Middle school and Delmar High School students attending school in Delmar to learn more about local history through original research and writing. The Essay contest will have a prize of $100 for the best article written by a Delmar Middle School Student and a Delmar High School Student on some aspect of the history of Delmar and the Delmar area.

Eligibility requires that the essay, ranging from 10 to 30 pages in length, be written by a student enrolled in a Delmar school.

Entries must be submitted by 11:59 p.m., March 15, 2012. The winner will be announced by April 15.

Style: The Chicago Manual of Style, 15th Edition (2003) is the style sheet. The manuscript and endnotes which should be double spaced must be submitted in the Microsoft Word or Word Perfect format, by email or in a typed quality that can be scanned into the computer.
Criteria for judging are the following: 1) readability and style of the presentation; 2) use of primary source research materials; 3) overall conception; and 4) contribution to the history of Delmar.

In Addition the contestants must sign the below;
I am submitting an original essay to the Delmar Historical and Arts Society’s Essay Contest. I certify that this essay is my own work and that I have abided by all guidelines and requirements of the Contest. I understand that my essay will not be returned to me and will become the property of the Delmar Historical and arts Society to use at its discretion in activities related to publicizing the contest and the society. I further understand that the judges' decisions are final and that if I am selected as a winner of the contest, I will be available for a photo for a press release.

One winner will be selected from the Delmar Middle School and one from the Delmar High School.

Additional information may be supplied by addressing inquiries to

Topics for the essay is any topic that is historical and can be related to the Delmar area. Some examples are;

Airport, Stock car and other race tracks, Movie Theaters, Drive in’s, in-town, Fire Dept, Police department, Elected officials, Schools, One room school, School bus system, Bi-State school system, Ghost Towns in Delmar area, Local lore, Wars and effect on Delmar area, Mills - lumber, grist, grain, Sorghum, Churches, Town Parks, Surveys , Mason Dixon line, Transpeninsular Line, Fluctuation of Delaware Maryland state line, Accidents / fires/ disasters in and around Delmar, Infra structure of town - Water System, Business retail in and around Delmar, Farming, farmers, Indians, Early settlers, Land grants, Stage line, Trains, railroad, railroad structures in Delmar. Oral history from individuals about Delmar Area, Historical Homes, buildings, Transportation - trains, buses, trucking, cars, horse and buggy, Fraternal Orders, Clubs, Civic Groups. Court system, alderman, Unique laws and ordinances in Delmar over the years, Blue laws, Lumber industry and sawmills, Telephone service, Gas utilities, TV Cable utilities, Ice plants, Doctors, Banks, Roads, Road Building, neighborhoods and developments of Delmar and area

Chris Walter – President, Delmar Historical and Arts Society
Howard Dickerson - Vice President, Delmar Historical and Arts Society
Denise Cuglar - Treasurer, Delmar Historical and Arts Society

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Maryland Slaves Are Freed - Nov 1, 1864

Maryland Slaves Are Freed - Nov 1, 1864

On January 1, 1863 President Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation. By his “war power” as commander-in-chief, Lincoln declared that all the slaves in Confederate-held territory as of that date were “thenceforward, and forever free.” Excluded from the presidential order were the loyal Border States of Delaware, Maryland, Kentucky, and Missouri; the state of Tennessee (then under Union control); the counties of what would soon become the state of West Virginia, and certain counties in Virginia and Louisiana. The document affirmed that black men would be used in the Union military.

Maryland's Constitution of 1851 had forbidden passage of "any law abolishing the relation of master or slave, as it now exists in this State" (Art. 3, sec. 43). To end slavery, Maryland had to write a new constitution.

Governor Augustus W. Bradford, in his annual message of 1864 to the General Assembly, sought passage of a constitutional convention bill. The predominently Unionist legislature promptly complied, and the electorate approved the call for a convention (Acts of 1864, ch. 5).

Delegates to the Constitutional Convention of 1864 were elected by the voters on April 6, 1864. The convention convened in Annapolis on April 27, 1864, and adjourned on September 6, 1864. The third state constitution, which abolished slavery in Maryland, received approval of the voters on September 18, 1864, and took effect November 1, 1864.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

One Horse Farm?

One Horse Farm?

From The Wicomico News - 1908

I will rent for the year 1909 two 2-horse farms and one 1-horse farm. With or without teams. Apply to:
Delmar, Del.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Bath and Shave at Twilley and Hearn - Salisbury MD - 1906

Bath and Shave at Twilley and Hearn - Salisbury MD - 1906

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The Launching Of The Albert B. Robinson - Sharptown Maryland 1906

The Launching Of The Albert B. Robinson - Sharptown Maryland 1906

From the Salisbury Advertiser - 1906 - Sharptown news

The event of this week was the launching of the four masted schooner, Albert B. Robinson which slid into the water at 9:15 A.M. Monday. This was one of the many very beautiful launchings that have been witnessed here. She made a complete semicircle crossing the river and stopping only after she had gone a considerable distance in the Dorchester shore, and many visitors were present, including many ladies, which made the event a very enjoyable one. This schooner is being built by the Sharptown Marine Railroad Co for Capt. E. C. Bennett and others at a cost of $30,000.

Hollywood Cottage - Sinnickson, Virginia - 1906

Hollywood Cottage - Sinnickson, Virginia - 1906

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Gardner and Marion Hastings' Palace Of Sweets

From The Peninsular Press - Delmar 1921

If asked by a young man where he could obtain a choice box of candy for his sweetheart, or if a stranger should drift into town and make inquiry for a soothing drink of soda water, plate of ice cream or a good smoke, the first thing that would come to your mind would be the PLACE OF SWEETS. Isn't that an admitted fact? Most assuredly for be it remembered that at this popular rendezvous, for young and old, the sweet tooth can be satisfied, the thirst quenched in "dry" Delaware with -- Soda of the best mixture. Then the soothing sensation derived from a good smoke is always at your command. What more could be asked?

On August 8, Mr. G. L. Hastings, the genial proprietor of this exceedingly popular establishment, assumed control, with his son, Mr. M. L. Hastings, as manager. To know these men or to meet them is a pleasure. They have the happy faculty of meeting the people on the level, give them courteous treatment and sent them away satisfied.

The establishment has two departments - tables for the ladies and tables for the gentlemen - married and single. The first thing possibly that attracts your attention upon entering is the large fountain where the genial manager is able to have served up to you all of the latest "soft" drinks. They are refreshing and invigorating, made by the latest New York recipes. The display of boxed candies cannot help but attract the attention of the young, middle aged and elderly ladies - all have a sweet tooth somewhere in their heads. Who does not like to inject the incisors into some of Whitman's choice boxed candies? It usually follows with the men that after taking their usual drink that they like to indulge in a good smoke - made from choice Cuba stock or from the famous Piedmont district of the Old Dominion State. All said and done, the place presents a clean, sanitary and attractive appearance which goes far in attracting and thus making any establishment a drawing card. This has been the success of the Sweets - good goods, satisfied customers, sanitary, square dealing.

Mr. G. L. Hastings, the owner, is a large dealer, in lumber and piling, a public spirited citizen and exceedingly progressive. Mr. M. L. Hastings, manager of the Place of Sweets, was one of the Delaware's noble sons who crossed the waters to France and did gallant service that "the world might be safe for democracy". He served under the colors for nearly a year on French soil. He is popular with all classes, is progressive and like his father stands at all times to do any thing that will be the future development of Delmar and community.

G. L. Long and Delmar

Above George Lorenzo Long

George Lorenzo Long was one of the people who left his mark on Delmar. Produce grower, packer and shipper, largest carload hauler of Holly in the winter, the town' largest property owner at the time, builder of homes, he owned sawmills, trucks, and warehouses, a director of Bank of Delmar, on a number of boards, and a member of the town council (couple of terms). Long was one of a number of people who had a great influence on Delmar from Elijah Freeney, Elijah Holloway,, T. A. Veasey with his hotels and car lots, The German family and Brickrow, Liborio Villani and his Delmar manor, and the John M. Disharoon Family and Houihan family with their Holly Oaks.

G. L. Long was born November 20, 1876 near Frankford Delaware. His family later moved to Melson. When he married Amanda Ellen Penuel in 1897 he moved to Delmar. Prior to 1930 he was one of the most successful men in town, but by 1930 the great depression put him out of business. Altho Delmar avoided some effects of the depression because it was railroad town not every one worked for the railroad and they could not escaped the effect of the great depression. G. L. Long was one of those who did not. In 1933 he moved to Salisbury, at age 57, to start over again. He achieved success once again altho not to the level he had achieved in Delmar.

G. L. Long was a builder of homes and by 1921 he had built 42 homes in Delmar, most of these were of the American Four Square Style. Matter of fact a high percentage of the American Four Squares in Delmar were built by him. Above is a photo from The Peninsula News (Delmar newspaper) in 1921 showing Pine street and a row of homes he built.

This is Pine street today as you can see the homes are pretty much the same as in 1921. Today the street is paved but it was paved along time ago and to walk it or drive it you can feel the effect of lack of maintenance on the Maryland side of town.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Delmar Economy Store Ad - 1946

Delmar Standpipe in 1921

The Standpipe (elevated Water Storage tank) was built in 1913. It was 12’ by 115’ and held 100,000 gallons of water. It was removed about the year 2000. To the left of it is the pump house that today is used as a public works office.

The system in 1923 had a 100,000 gallon storage tank (standpipe) that was 12’ by 115’, a 20’ by 40’ pump house, four wells, two Deming Triplex pumps, 44 fire hydrants and five miles of pipe. It was know as the Delmar Water Works. There were smaller water systems in Delmar prior to this one but they served very localized areas and not the entire town. The standpipe served the town from 1913 until about 2000. As with any water tower it was a landmark and reference point for the town. The water mains serves both sides of town. Each town at that time was approximately one half square mile in size.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Stone House and Stone Garage

The Stone House was built about 1904 by Theodore A. Veasey. He build the Stone House because he had the Veasey House across the street in Maryland and in 1903 Wicomico County decided to go dry putting a stop to his lucrative bar business in the Veasey House. In 1908 Sussex County went dry putting Mr. Veasey once again out of the bar business, but T. A. Veasey was not to be stopped and he changed the stone house into the Stone Garage and sold Overland automobiles. Veasey was into a little bit of everything. He owned hotels, distilleries, engaged in timber and fire insurance and was involved in both banks in Delmar. He married Augusta (Mary) Culver in 1894.

Theodore A. Veasey

Monday, July 18, 2011

Woodlawn Dairy - 1921

From the Progress Edition of the Peninsula News Delmar Delaware 1921

Woodlawn Dairy
John W. Culver, Prop.

The residents of Delmar are indeed fortunate in having an up-to-date dairy where pure milk can be obtained with sanitary surroundings. The Woodlawn Dairy, established 9 years ago and owned by Mr. John W. Culver, has a herd of twelve fine specimen of milch cows whose product is rich, free from unsanitary surrounding as many places are. The product of this dairy is known to all in this community and the demand is greater than the supply.

Mr. Culver, who takes great pride in his dairy and has built an enviable reputation for himself, is one of the most substantial citizens in this section of the State. He is virtually interested in farming, trucking, raising corn and berries and small fruits on his 25 acre tract which is a pleasing sight to behold and at all times every thing thereabouts is like unto a new pin.

Mr. Culver is practically a young man and still has a great future before him. His methods have been the cause of much favorable comment and commendation by the people of this section, and his moves are being watched with interest for they never know when he is going to spring something new on the community which will prove to be an advanced step.

Mr. Culver is a good substantial citizen and has always taken a keen interest in Delmar and vicinity, believing that a great future lies before it. He stands ready at all times to do anything within his power to advance its interests in order that it may have a place on the map such as it deserves.

With men possessed of activity and progress like Mr. Culver who are willing to do whatever they are called upon to do, this section is sure to take advanced strides.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Molded Concrete Block Construction in Delmar

Delmar has been destroyed by two catastrophic fires that destroyed the frame commercial district. The first was in 1892 and the second was in 1901. After the fire of 1901 the town tried to go a code requiring new building to be made of masonry construction. One of the building materials that was becoming popular at that time was molded concrete blocks. It was considered ‘modern,” it was fire resistant, it eliminated the danger of termite & rodent infestation, it needed no paint, and it was quick, cheap, and easy to make.

Delmar has a number of examples of molded concrete block construction. What is today the barber Shop but what started out as First National Bank of Delmar is constructed of molded concrete block, also the building next to it. Of interest the Barber Shop still has the original Bank vault in the back wall of the shop.

This is a nice example of a home built of molded concrete block

The Frank Brown Garage on first street is built of molded concrete block.

Some buildings used brick on the front and molded concrete block on the other three sides.

It was also very popular for foundations, porches, columns, and porch pillars

The prime time for molded concrete block construction was between 1900 to 1930 after 1930 it’s popularity faded.

The buildings constructed of concrete blocks showed a creative use of common inexpensive materials made to look like the more expensive and traditional wood-framed stone masonry building. The Face designs of the block seen most often were rock face, cobblestone, panel face and ashlar, plus it had ornamental potential as any number of wreaths, scrolls could be reproduced. If you look at the front of the barber shop you will see scroll designs faced blocked, in addition to the rock face design.

Helping to create the popularity of these molded blocks was Sears roebuck and Company. In this time period their house kits from a mailorder catalog was popular and although they did not sell the blocks they did sell house designs for molded blocks and machines to make your own block.

To cover all the bases Sears Roebuck offered its version of the block machine in 1905, asserting that ease of production was such that anyone could start their own cottage industry or make blocks for their personal use. The ideal being a farmer, in the winter and on rainy days could manufactured block for their own use or to sell. Due to the weight of the machine and the raw material; molded block were mostly made near towns on a railroad line or waterway.

They sold forms for all kinds of shapes - corners, round for porch columns; even column bases and capitals.

Sears sold a cast-iron machine called the Wizard, which builders used to make their own hollow-core forms by pouring a liquid mixture into the mold, allowing it to dry, slipping them out, and making more. Interchangeable molds allowed the builders to create different finishes: rough-cut stone, cobblestone, brick, diamond, and faux brick. Home owners could tint cornices or glaze their blocks with a glittery granite patina, which was highlighted during dusk and dawn.

Moulded concrete blocks were known by several names. Sometimes called “Art-Blocks”, and other times “Artificial Stone”, the attempts to append a new descriptive name to the product at the time showed that even then there was some resistance to the concept of “Concrete Blocks”.

At the time the concrete-block house was built it often had a matching garage. These early buildings can be identified by their narrow garage doors, originally built for Model T autos and a small storage space. As cars increased in size these garages were usually the first to be knocked down and replaced.

A Competitor of molded concrete blocks was formstone, of which there a couple examples of in the area. More about them later.

Harry Gibson - 1956

Harry Gibson, local fuel oil and coal dealer, was presented the Lions Distinguished Service Plaque at the regular dinner meeting of the Delmar Lions Club on Wednesday at the Avenue restaurant.

S. N. Culver - 1941

Click On Photo To Enlarge - Notice the misspelling? and notice the politically incorrect reference to suits for fat men? Even in 1941 the store had been in operation for 41 years.

Mrs. Mattie Cannon - 1930

Leslie J. Barrall - 1930

Clyde Gordy - 1930

From State Register September 1930 - Delmar News

Clyde Gordy, colored, residing near Delmar, was instantly killed by lightning while sitting beside an open window in his home last Wednesday evening. His wife who was sitting beside him, was uninjured.

Brewington Garage - 1930

Friday, July 8, 2011

The First Night Of Art In The Park

The first night of Art In The Park happened last night and it was a success. Presented by the Delmar Historical and Arts Society and spearheaded by Faith Krebs, it was an hour and a half of great family orientated entertainment. The searing sun of the day had started to go down and with the shade of the trees and a light breeze it made it comfortable to sit outside. Art in The Park will be every Thursday In July from 6pm to 8pm. Its very community oriented, meaning whether you know the folks seated next to you on the grass you can become fast friends. Did I mention it is FREE.

Tonight the band was "13 South," a great local band with great sounds. They have been playing in the area for about a year.

Next week will be "Southern Sounds." The week of 7/21 will be "Allen Memorial Praise Band" and on July 28th the music of Frank Antion.

There were several vendors there and if you would like to be a vendor at next week's Art in the Park contact Faith Krebs at 302-846-2546 (tables $10). Also, for food and drink, you can buy from the vendors or you can bring any snacks or beverages you like and set up shop with your picnic goodies. Park only a short walk from the "venue" (after all this is Delmar), sprawl out on the green lawn in the shade with your friends, and listen to some great tunes.

13 South will play Saturday at the Nanticoke River Fest on the front porch of City Hall at 12:30. Come on out and hear them.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Banks Pants Factory in Delmar sometime in the 1950's

A recent donation, From Gary White, to the Delmar Historical and Arts Society is this photo of the Banks Pants Factory in Delmar sometime in the 1950's. Click photo to enlarge

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Playing With Rainbows - an interview with Randie Hovatter

Local Graphic Design artist and Stained Glass Artist Randie Hovatter of Delmar Maryland talked to Delmar Historical and Arts Society about her work in glass;

Could you tell us a little bit about yourself - your education, interests, past work experiences?
I graduated with my BFA in Graphic Design from Salisbury University this past December. Currently I am employed as a graphic designer at K&L Microwave, but I still enjoy selling stained glass on the side. I also work at Macky's Bayside Bar and Grille in Ocean City during the summer, so come visit unless you are a sub-par tipper.

When did you first realize art was your calling?
I have always loved art. In an area like the Eastern Shore it can be difficult to turn art into a 9 to 5 profession, but I ended up being lucky. I only have to beg on the street three days a week now.

How was it that you started working with stained glass?
I have been working with stained glass since I was about 15 years old. My mom asked me if I wanted to take lessons at Glass by Grammy in Salisbury, and after seeing the projects there I was immediately interested.

How long have you been working in stained glass?
About 7 years.

What advice would you give to someone else wanting to learn?
Stained glass can be very challenging depending on the project. You will know pretty much instantly whether or not you are going to enjoy it as a hobby. But once you finish your first successful piece it is a proud moment.

Do you have a mentor, if so how important has this been to the development of your professional practice?
My mentor is Carolyn Adkins of the aforementioned Glass by Grammy. She can make anything out of glass. I was her first student, and she continues teaching glass from her studio on Snow Hill Road in Salisbury. She has been very important to me, both by being full of good advice and by always being willing to help me when I struggle with a tough project.

Are you self-taught or did you take professional courses in stained glass production?

I learned all of my stained glass skills at Glass by Grammy, but sometimes I like to try new types of projects on my own.

How do you find clients and receive commissions?

I have a website, , and I get a lot of clients simply through word-of-mouth. On my business cards it says Graphic Design and Stained Glass.

Is there an ‘ultimate’ commission you would like to undertake?

A glass Sistine Chapel... I'm just kidding, that would take forever.

If someone wants to give you a commission how can they contact you?

The best way to reach me is through my email,

An Interview With Elaine Patterson of the Maryland Historical Press

In preparing the May edition of the Delmar Historical and Arts Society May Newsletter I did an interview with Elaine Patterson of Delmar, Maryland who has a book publishing business called Maryland History Press. For those who may be interested in local book publishing here is the interview;

Tell us a little about yourself and Maryland History Press.

I was born on a farm just outside of Stockton, Maryland, and completed my high school and secondary education in the region. In 1998, I retired from a job as Executive Administrative Assistant at Salisbury University. As a native of the Eastern Shore, I have long been interested in learning about our early colonists and how our culture, customs and history evolved. In 2000, I founded what is now Maryland History Press and began reprinting some of my favorite out-of-print titles. Soon, others asked me to help them publish their manuscripts.

What type of books are your specialty?
My focus is on the history of Maryland with an emphasis on Delmarva’s history, culture, and people. Memoirs and genealogy research are also important offerings at Maryland History Press.

What services do you provide to writers?
I offer services and guidance to help authors through the publication process, including consultation, ISBN, barcode, copyright and Library of Congress requirements, editing, proofreading, printing bids, marketing ideas, etc. My cost-effective author-subsidy program allows the author to be more efficient while maintaining control. I also offer editing and proofreading services for individuals, non-profits and businesses who may need marketing materials, website text and newsletters.

What advice do you have for aspiring writers?
Aspiring writers should be passionate about their subjects and do extensive research. For fiction, authors need to make their dialogue, plot and settings believable. For non-fiction, carefully documented resources give credibility to their works. Prior to contacting a publisher, writers should have credible people proofread and give honest feedback.

What is the single, biggest mistake new authors make?
I believe the biggest mistake made by new authors is foregoing critique and guidance. Bringing a manuscript to print is often a lengthy process involving mandatory requirements, attention to detail and timelines. Patience and being willing to make changes are key to developing a quality book.

How do you see the future for the smaller and self-publishers?
Over the years, small publishers have gained greater acceptance and acclaim. With existing and future new technologies, I envision even greater opportunities for small publishers. Self-publishing has challenges that many authors find discouraging and difficult to overcome. For that reason, small publishers, such as Maryland History Press, often offer author-subsidy services.

How do you scout for new authors?
I use several avenues to reach out to potential authors. One, of course, is through my website, Networking venues, such as book events, make people aware of my passion and services. I am especially gratified that potential clients are often referred to me by Salisbury University’s Nabb Research Center for Delmarva History and Culture, as well as by my local printer and previous customers.

How can people reach you to buy your books or to use your services as a publisher?
I can be reached by calling 410-742-2682, and by emailing Customers may order online via my website. To save on shipping and handling, locals may also call in orders that can be hand delivered.

Copyright Infringement and Historical societies

As many of you know I am involved in a couple of Historical societies. One type of fundraiser these societies frequently do is to compile some type of history book for their area. A case that is currently going on in Montgomery County Texas involves alleged Copyright Infringements between the Montgomery County Genealogical & Historical Society, Inc" and Melinda Cagle. Now I don't know anything about either party. It does look like the Montgomery County Genealogical & Historical Society (MCG&HS) has some problems/issues internally as they have a number of open slots on their Board of Directors etc.

Anyway from what I can see of the case; back in 2001 the Montgomery County Genealogical & Historical Society initiated the second Montgomery County history book project. The person who was in charge of the family history section anticipated moving to another city and asked Melinda Cagle to assume responsibility for that part of the book. since 2001 Melinda Cagle has worked on the Book until its completion in late 2010. She spent her time, effort, and money collecting and editing hundreds of stories and photographs for the Book. She seem to have greatly expanded the original idea of the book.

In 2009 MCG&HS wanted to see some results on the book, in late 2010, Cagle presented the Book to some of the MCG&HS Board members as a courtesy but refused to let them see details of it. The board discovered she had plans to copyright the book in her name. MCG&HS was going to have its name on the front cover of the Book since they had assumed it was their book. Cagle said she was allowing the Historical Society's name on the book as a favor to them to increase donations. Well you can imagine the ensuing discussion which has resulted in case 4:11-cv-01066 Montgomery County Genealogical & Historical Society, Inc. v. Cagle - UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT, SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF TEXAS - Copyright Infringement

I do not have a court date on this trial, if it will ever go to trial, but I would be interested in knowing the end results. What the historical society did (trying to publish a book) and using one of it's member's to put the book together was typical of most societies. What went wrong was the effort Melinda Cagle put out (which was extensive) was assumed by the society to be volunteer work. Melinda Cagle didn't think it was. Perhaps there is a lesson here that a letter should be issued to the people doing volunteer work that the results of their efforts belong to the historical society and no one else.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Civil War legacy preserved

Picked up from the Daily Times

ONANCOCK -- In observance of the 150th anniversary of the American Civil War, the Virginia Sesquicentennial Civil War Commission and the Library of Virginia have asked The Eastern Shore Historical Society to join with them in a state-wide search of original manuscripts and documents that still remain in private hands.

On June 4 and June 5, the community is invited to share their Civil War era documents at two separate locations in Accomack and Northampton counties. This will be an exciting opportunity to preserve your private collections and make them available to the world without them leaving your possession.

This program, titled The Civil War 150 Legacy Project, was created specifically to locate, identify, scan and then digitalize precious artifacts and original source materials in the state of Virginia that relate to the Civil War and emancipation. The scanned documents will then be kept in the archives at the Library of Virginia and made available through their online database, which can be accessed globally for research for generations to come.

"This is a great chance for people to share their carefully guarded treasures that their families are reluctant to relinquish. Anyone can sign up, have their items scanned immediately in front of their eyes and then safely take them home to press into the pages of their family Bibles or file away in shoeboxes in the attic. It is designed to be seamless and easy for both amateur enthusiasts or big time collectors," Jenny Barker of the Historical Society said.

Materials may include letters, memoirs, pension materials, military passes, discharge papers, diaries, hand drawn maps, pictures, claims for damages and reminiscences during the years of 1859-1867. Of particular interest to the project are global and pacifist perspectives and the viewpoints of individual African Americans, foreign observers and women. The only stipulation is that items brought in for scanning must be owned by the individual presenting the materials for digitalization. Items do not have to specifically be about Virginia as long as they contain valuable anthropological content.

The Ker Place Museum, Headquarters for the Eastern Shore of Virginia Historical Society, in Onancock will be the location for the scanning and digitalization on Saturday, June 4 from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. The Barrier Islands Center located in Machipongo will be the Northampton County location on Sunday, June 5, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Pre- registration is a must and all questions and scheduling can be made through the Eastern Shore of Virginia Historical Society. Please call 757-787-8012 or email Jenny Barker at jbarkerkerplace

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Help The Cape Charles Historical Society

CAPE CHARLES -- The Cape Charles Historical Society announced the award of a third $10,000 grant to fund the interior ceiling repair and installation of a new roof at the Cape Charles Museum and Welcome Center in Cape Charles, work critical to the maintenance and safety of the 1947 Museum building.

The latest grant is a $10,000 one-for-one matching grant from the Marietta McNeil Morgan and Samuel Tate Morgan, Jr. Foundation of Richmond. This grant requires the Historical Society to raise $10,000 specifically designated as challenge match contributions for the ceiling/roof project. New and renewing members have so far provided nearly $2,000 toward the match.

In January, the Historical Society received $10,000 from the Richard and Caroline T. Gwathmey Memorial Trust of Richmond and another $10,000 from the Eastern Shore Community Foundation. The ceiling repair was completed and inspected on March 10, and bids for the roof and drain work will go out shortly.

The Cape Charles Historical Society will greatly appreciate donations toward the required $10,000 Morgan match. Checks may be sent to the Cape Charles Historical Society, P.O. Box 11, Cape Charles, Va. 23310. To pay by credit card, please send an e-mail to stating the amount of your donation and you will be billed via the Internet.

Delmar Milling Company

In 1911 the Delmar Milling Company was located in Delmar, Maryland just south of East Chestnut Street on what is today Bi-State Boulevard. It was a two and half story frame building located next to the "woods" as Delmar was not developed any farther south at that time. The central mill and attached storage shed had a large Corn crib and storage shed in the back and an office building out front. The mill was powered by electric with three electric motors on the first floor and appropriate shafting to run two corn mills, a corn crusher and a flour mill. The second floor had a hominy mill, gyrator, smut machine, separator and dust collectors.

Today the section between Chestnut and Pine is perhaps the largest accumulation of American Four square style houses in Delmar.


For those who may do family tree research I have copied the 1917 phone directory over for Delmar. Altho Delmar Delaware is listed on all addresses you can tell, where street addresses are given, Delmar Maryland is included. I have never had any luck putting columns in Blogger so allow for the sloppy columns.


54-5 Adkins, J G, r…………………………….nr Delmar
51-2 Adkins R W, genl mdse……………………….State
4-2 Bank of Delmar, bank………………………...Delmar
54-14 Bradley G H, r ………………………… Delmar
22-11 Brayshaw Dr. J, Physician ……………….Delmar
22-2 Brayshaw Dr, J, r ………………………….Delmar
50-2 Brewington A, Autos & Supplier State Delmar Del
32 Citizens Gas Co, Office …………….Railroad Ave
41-13 Culver Irving, “The Orchards” …….nr Delmar Del
29 Culver Irving…………………….Fruit Commissioner
35 Culver Irving ……………………………...Residence
36-3 Culver J Willims, genl Mdse………………...N 2nd
7 Culver J W …………………………………..Residence
48-2 Culver M W , genl Mdse…………...Pine Delmar Del
5-2 Culver S. N., Clothier & Furnisher ……….Delmar Del
59 Culver T S , r……………………………….…Elizabeth
21 Delmar Ice Co, Ice Factory………………….Delmar Del
17-11 Delmar Packing Co, Cannery…………….Delmar Del
19 Del Produce Ex, Inc S M Yingling Agt office Delmar Del
15 Delmar Union Store Co …………………Genl Mdse
8 Ellegood Dr Robt ……………………………...Office
14 Elliott F G……………………………….…Hardware
17-2 Elliott J J, Lumber Factory…………….Delmar Del
51-4 Elliott J J, r…………….cor Maple & Highland Av
42-5 Evans Ernest, r…………………..……..near Melson
10 Faulkner F N, r………………….…..State Delmar Del
25 First National Bank……………………………….….
46 Francis Elder A B, r…………………….…Delmar Del
12 Frazier Jos…………………………………...Residence
24 Freeney J W ………………………………….Residence
43-2 Freeney Miss Rosa L, r………………………..Delmar
43-11 Freeny E E, r…………………………….Delmar Del
16 German & Co, M H…………………………..Dry goods
53-3 Gordy O L Hardware & grocs………………….…State
53-3 Gordy & Holloway, mfrs Cement Blocks………..State
2 Haddock S B, r…………………………………….Delmar
44 Hastings G L ……………………………………….N 2d
3 Hastings & Co …………………...Groceries & Dry Goods
11 Hastings & Co, G L…………………………Wood dealer
9-2 Hearn Albert H, groceries……………………….Delmar
51-11 Hearn Geo E, r……………………...State Delmar Del
54-23 Hearn Geo W, r…………………………… Delmar
53-2 Hearn Jos W, r………………………..East Delmar Del
40 Hickey H T…………………………………...Residence
4-11 Holloway Jas, r………………………………...Delmar
28-2 James H B, office………………………..Railroad Ave
26 James H B ………………………………..…Residence
23-3 Jones Geo T, Printing Office………….E Delmar Del
47 Krause S F, r……………………………………….N 2d
56 Long G L, r………………………...Chesnut Delmar Del
13-2 Lowe H S, Farm…………………RD No 3 Delmar Del
42-3 Lowe I S, r………………………………… Delmar
27 Lowe L B …………………………………..…Residence
31 Lynch F E ……………………………………..Residence
36-11 Lynch Dr. Howard, Office…………….……….Delmar
36-2 Lynch Dr. Howard, r…………………………….Delmar
55-2 Marvel Wm S Sr, r……………………Grove Delmar Del
23-4 Melson E J, fancy groceries…………..East Delmar Del
54-31 Mills R J, r…………………………………nr Hebron
54-22 Mills W D, r…………………………………nr Delmar
41-2 Mitchell James W, r………………………… Delmar
42-2 Moore L H, r………………………………….nr Delmar
42-23 Morris J P, r………………………………….nr Delmar
37 P B & W R R co……………………………….Pay station
58 Palm Charles A,r………………………………Delmar Del
23-2 Parker A L Groceries…………….Elizabeth Delmar Del
9-3 Parker Harry L, r…………………..………… Delmar
41-32 Pennewell J J, r…………………..…..…… Delmar
1 Salisbury Brick Co, Inc, Brick yard….………………N 2d
30 Slemons S K…………………………………….Residence
49 Stephens W B, r………………..4th & Chesnut Delmar Del
51-3 Sturgis A J, groceries………………..E State Delmar Del
23-11 Sturgis T A, r …………………………………..Delmar
41-11 Tingle Zeno, r ……………………………… Delmar
57 Truitt W C, t……………………………….East Delmar Del
34 Veasey Mary Augusta…………………..Stone House, State
38-2 Wainwright M H, Bakery & Fancy Grocs….Railroad Av
48-11 Wainwright M H, r …………….2d & Pine, Delmar Del
6-11 Waller S B, r……………..…………………….…Delmar
54-3 Waller W J,r……………………………………nr Delmar
54-11 Weatherly L B, r………………………………nr Hebron
45 Wells J F, r…………………..….Chesnut & 4th Delmar Del
39 West Nathan,r…………………….………………...Delmar
33 Whayland S H…………………………………..Drug store
17-4 Whayland S H,r…………………………….………Jewel
6-2 Whayland W W, Groceries………………………..Delmar
42-13 White C H …………………………………..Residence
20 Wilson Jas T……………………………………...Clothing

Saturday, March 5, 2011

100 Most Common SurNames In USA

Rank Name Population
1 Smith 2,772,200
2 Johnson 2,232,100
3 Williams 1,926,200
4 Jones 1,711,200
5 Brown 1,711,200
6 Davis 1,322,700
7 Miller 1,168,400
8 Wilson 934,200
9 Moore 859,800
10 Taylor 857,000
11 Anderson 857,000
12 Thomas 857,000
13 Jackson 854,200
14 White 768,800
15 Harris 757,800
16 Martin 752,300
17 Thompson 741,300
18 Garcia 699,900
19 Martinez 644,800
20 Robinson 642,100
21 Clark 636,500
22 Rodriguez 631,000
23 Lewis 622,800
24 Lee 606,200
25 Walker 603,500
26 Hall 551,100
27 Allen 548,400
28 Young 531,800
29 Hernandez 529,100
30 King 523,600
31 Wright 520,800
32 Lopez 515,300
33 Hill 515,300
34 Scott 509,800
35 Green 504,300
36 Adams 479,500
37 Baker 471,200
38 Gonzalez 457,400
39 Nelson 446,400
40 Carter 446,400
41 Mitchell 440,900
42 Perez 427,100
43 Roberts 421,600
44 Turner 418,900
45 Phillips 410,600
46 Campbell 410,600
47 Parker 402,300
48 Evans 388,500
49 Edwards 377,500
50 Collins 369,300
51 Stewart 366,500
52 Sanchez 358,200
53 Morris 344,500
54 Rogers 338,900
55 Reed 336,200
56 Cook 330,700
57 Morgan 325,200
58 Bell 322,400
59 Murphy 322,400
60 Bailey 316,900
61 Rivera 311,400
62 Cooper 311,400
63 Richardson 308,600
64 Cox 303,100
65 Howard 303,100
66 Ward 297,600
67 Torres 297,600
68 Peterson 294,900
69 Gray 292,100
70 Ramirez 289,300
71 James 289,300
72 Watson 283,800
73 Brooks 283,800
74 Kelly 281,100
75 Sanders 275,600
76 Price 272,800
77 Bennett 272,800
78 Wood 270,100
79 Barnes 267,300
80 Ross 264,500
81 Henderson 261,800
82 Coleman 261,800
83 Jenkins 261,800
84 Perry 259,000
85 Powell 256,300
86 Long 253,500
87 Patterson 253,500
88 Hughes 253,500
89 Flores 253,500
90 Washington 253,500
91 Butler 250,800
92 Simmons 250,800
93 Foster 250,800
94 Gonzales 239,700
95 Bryant 239,700
96 Alexander 234,200
97 Russell 234,200
98 Griffin 231,500
99 Diaz 231,500
100 Hayes 228,700

Friday, March 4, 2011

It's Irish-American Month

Presidential Proclamation--Irish-American Heritage Month, 2011



Our diverse Nation has been shaped by the sacrifices and successes of those who crossed both land and sea in pursuit of a common dream. For millions of Americans, this journey began in Ireland. In the wake of the Great Hunger, many sons and daughters of Erin came to our shores seeking a brighter day, with only courage and the enduring values of faith and family to sustain them. Alongside many others who sought a better life in a new Nation, these intrepid immigrants built strong communities and helped forge our country's future. During Irish-American Heritage Month, we honor the contributions Irish Americans have made, and celebrate the nearly 40 million among us who proudly trace their roots back to Ireland.

From the earliest days of our Republic, the Irish have overcome discrimination and carved out a place for themselves in the American story. Through hard work, perseverance, and patriotism, women and men of Irish descent have given their brawn, brains, and blood to make and remake this Nation -- pulling it westward, pushing it skyward, and moving it forward. Half a century ago, John F. Kennedy became our first Irish-American Catholic President and summoned an expectant citizenry to greatness. This year, as we commemorate the 50th anniversary of President Kennedy's inauguration, we recognize our 35th President and the countless other Irish Americans whose leadership and service have steered the course of our Nation.

Seldom in this world has a country so small had so large an impact on another. Today, the rich culture of Ireland touches all aspects of American society, and the friendship that binds Ireland and the United States is marked by a shared past and a common future. As communities across our country celebrate Irish-American Heritage Month and St. Patrick's Day, our Nation pays tribute to the proud lineage passed down to so many Americans from the Emerald Isle.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim March 2011 as Irish-American Heritage Month. I call upon all Americans to observe this month by celebrating the contributions of Irish Americans to our Nation.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-eighth day of February, in the year of our Lord two thousand eleven, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-fifth.


American Red Cross Month

Presidential Proclamation--American Red Cross Month, 2011



For over a century, the American Red Cross has harnessed the generosity of the American people, mobilizing us to offer assistance in the wake of disaster. Whether aiding towns fighting rising floodwaters or nations struggling with starvation and disease, the American Red Cross and its international partners have served during crises across the United States and around the world. During American Red Cross Month, we celebrate our Nation's humanitarian spirit, and we recommit to providing relief and hope in times of crisis.

The American Red Cross has a long history of partnering with Presidents of the United States to confront the world's most pressing challenges. During World War I, President Woodrow Wilson called on our citizens to help the American Red Cross "respond effectively and universally to the needs of humanity under stress of war." This relationship continued in 1943, when President Franklin D. Roosevelt proclaimed March as Red Cross Month, urging the public to support the efforts of the American Red Cross to provide resources and medical care to troops, allies, and peoples around the world.

Emergency response organizations like the American Red Cross play a vital role in relief operations by deploying scores of volunteers to rebuild communities hit by disaster and by providing critical support and resources at home and abroad. When a devastating earthquake struck Haiti last year, the American people responded with an outpouring of compassion, prompting an unprecedented international response and relief effort by the American Red Cross. These efforts reflect our country's noblest ideals, and they contribute to a climate of international trust and cooperation.

Volunteers play an essential part in every American Red Cross effort, from traveling to disaster zones around the world to donating blood at local community centers. Through their service, ordinary citizens have done extraordinary things, upholding the humanitarian mission of service and relief organizations and keeping our Nation strong and resilient. Though we can never fully know the challenges we will face, American Red Cross Month reminds us that Americans will always pull together in times of need and will always look to the future with hope and determination.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America and Honorary Chairman of the American Red Cross, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim March 2011 as American Red Cross Month. I encourage all Americans to observe this month with appropriate programs, ceremonies, and activities, and by supporting the work of service and relief organizations.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-eighth day of February, in the year of our Lord two thousand eleven, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-fifth.


March Is Woman's History Month

Presidential Proclamation--Women's History Month, 2011



During Women's History Month, we reflect on the extraordinary accomplishments of women and honor their role in shaping the course of our Nation's history. Today, women have reached heights their mothers and grandmothers might only have imagined. Women now comprise nearly half of our workforce and the majority of students in our colleges and universities. They scale the skies as astronauts, expand our economy as entrepreneurs and business leaders, and serve our country at the highest levels of government and our Armed Forces. In honor of the pioneering women who came before us, and in recognition of those who will come after us, this month, we recommit to erasing the remaining inequities facing women in our day.

This year, we commemorate the 100th anniversary of International Women's Day, a global celebration of the economic, political, and social achievements of women past, present, and future. International Women's Day is a chance to pay tribute to ordinary women throughout the world and is rooted in women's centuries-old struggle to participate in society on an equal footing with men. This day reminds us that, while enormous progress has been made, there is still work to be done before women achieve true parity.

My Administration has elevated the rights of women and girls abroad as a critical aspect of our foreign and national security policy. Empowering women across the globe is not simply the right thing to do, it is also smart foreign policy. This knowledge is reflected in the National Security Strategy of the United States, which recognizes that countries are more peaceful and prosperous when their female citizens enjoy equal rights, equal voices, and equal opportunities. Today, we are integrating a focus on women and girls in all our diplomatic efforts, and incorporating gender considerations in every aspect of our development assistance. We are working to build the participation of women into all aspects of conflict prevention and resolution, and we are continuing to lead in combating the scourge of conflict related sexual violence, both bilaterally and at the United Nations.

In America, we must lead by example in protecting women's rights and supporting their empowerment. Despite our progress, too many women continue to be paid less than male workers, and women are significantly underrepresented in the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields. By tapping into the potential and talents of all our citizens, we can utilize an enormous source of economic growth and prosperity. The White House Council on Women and Girls has continued to remove obstacles to achievement by addressing the rate of violence against women, supporting female entrepreneurs, and prioritizing the economic security of women. American families depend largely on the financial stability of women, and my Administration continues to prioritize policies that promote workplace flexibility, access to affordable, quality health care and child care, support for family caregivers, and the enforcement of equal pay laws. I have also called on every agency in the Federal Government to be part of the solution to ending violence against women, and they have responded with unprecedented cooperation to protect victims of domestic and sexual violence and enable survivors to break the cycle of abuse.

As we reflect on the triumphs of the past, we must also look to the limitless potential that lies ahead. To win the future, we must equip the young women of today with the knowledge, skills, and equal access to reach for the promise of tomorrow. My Administration is making unprecedented investments in education and is working to expand opportunities for women and girls in the STEM fields critical for growth in the 21st century economy.

As we prepare to write the next chapter of women's history, let us resolve to build on the progress won by the trailblazers of the past. We must carry forward the work of the women who came before us and ensure our daughters have no limits on their dreams, no obstacles to their achievements, and no remaining ceilings to shatter.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim March 2011 as Women's History Month. I call upon all Americans to observe this month and to celebrate International Women's Day on March 8, 2011 with appropriate programs, ceremonies, and activities that honor the history, accomplishments, and contributions of American women. I also invite all Americans to visit to learn more about the generations of women who have shaped our history.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-eighth day of February, in the year of our Lord two thousand eleven, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-fifth.


Monday, February 28, 2011

Brown's Garage

Last night at Mason Dixon Auction I acquired this advertising Ink Blotter for Brown's Garage. A few years back I had made a post on The Frank Brown Building. This ink blotter has a photo of the building in the first quarter of the 1900's when it was a car dealership for Ford.

The building is on First street about a half block in from State street. It is on the Maryland side of town and this is the second advertisement I have seen that gave the address of Brown's Garage as Delmar, Del. I don't know why.

The building has housed a number of different businesses over the years and like the house beside it has been added on to and covered up with various siding.

I am sure there is a number of people out there asking themselves what is an ink blotter? God that makes me feel old. Go here for that history and description