From the Milford Chronicle Friday January 23, 1942 - Delmar News
Delmar held its first air-raid drill last Friday night, with 129 members of the auxillary brigade.
During the alert, Fred A. Grier, Jr. of Salisbury, chief fire coordinator for Wicomico county, and Chief Walter Disharoon of the Salisbury Fire Dept., accompanied by members of the local defense council, toured the town in an effort to determine the degree of protection Delmar would have in the event of a regular raid. Mr. Grier later reported the test was 100 per cent effective.
Deolia Fleetwood, of Wilmington, spent Tuesday in town.
After a visit with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Wheally have returned to their home in Waverly, N. J.
William Fisher has returned to Camp Croft after spending a few days with his parents here.
The Delmar Defense Council has decided to use the fire siren as its air-raid alarm until a more suitable alarm can be obtained. Three long blasts on the alarm will signify an air raid.
The Eastern Shore Public Service Company notified the fire department that a master switch had been installed here to be used in the event of a blackout.
Jesse P. Fox of Camden N. J. has arrived here to serve the P. R. R. as road foreman of engines, and Curtis Nock has been transferred to Wilmington in the same position there. Mr. and Mrs. Fox will occupy the home of Mrs. Harlan Waller on Jewell Street.
Miss Vivian Poulson has returned from a visit to Georgia.
Mrs. E. E. Fletcher gave an old-fashioned quilting party at her home last Tuesday which was thoroughly enjoyed by those present.
Billy Beach of Fort Sherman has been spending a few days with his relatives here.
A course in Red Cross home nursing was started last Thursday night on the second floor of Moose Hall, Delmar. Mrs Walter A. Venables, chief of nursing for the Delmar Defense Council, is in charge; assisted by Mrs. Albert Hastings, R.N.
The course will require 20 hours of study and will be held each Thursday afternoon and evening until completed. It will consist of practical demonstrations and theory. More than 40 women have already signed up for the course.
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