Saturday, February 10, 2018

You Will Miss It When It's Gone

One of items I keep hearing from Delmar natives is how they wish the railroad station was still in town to be used as a historical building.  Back in the day, the Pennsylvania railroad offered the building to "the town of Delmar" for one dollar.  "The town" didn't want it so the Railroad tore it down.   The people have always blamed "the Town" but in truth a town is it's residents and no one nor no group came forward and said lets keep the building.

Over in Lewes something close to it is happening.  The town of Lewes is trying to keep a small section of track in town to help with the 148 year history of the railroad in Lewes.  No group has come forward to help with this project so the town has decided there is not interest in the tracks  and has placed this project on a one year deadline for some group to come forward and take it over.

read about in the cape gazette

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